Saturday 26 May 2012

Saturday 25th May

Gaz has had a good month so far on the computer so he's pretty happy! He's decided not to do the poker videos as for some reason he was stressing over them...i think he should have just done it but he says i don't understand. Anyway, its his decision! We are both going to go surfing tomorrow after i ride Angie. We have had a big storm here so the waves are meant to be pretty big right now...hopefully not TOO big!!!

Yesterday work was VERY slow. It appears Aussies don't like going out when its wet and stormy as the majority of my patients cancelled in the instead i went and rode Angie. Id rather be riding Angie than working any way! Today was very busy in work...people turning up off the street with toothaches! One 18 year old kid from England came and had a tooth pulled and left without paying! The receptionist ran after him but he had cycled off...What he didn't realise was his mum who rang and made the appointment had left a telephone number which i rung straight away. The mum answered and i said her son had left without paying. I was very annoyed because he was booked in for a check up and i could have charged him 150 dollars for the clean but he was in pain so i said look there isn't much point me cleaning your teeth as you only brush once a day any way, how about we get you out of pain instead? He made me laugh, i said 'do you brush you teeth in the morning?' he replied "no i have a new job now, i don't have time to brush in the morning?" i said "what you can't spare 2 minutes of your morning to brush your teeth?" he said "no i don't have time" i said well how about you make time and set your alarm 2 minutes earlier, it isn't difficult. People are so stupid!

I didn't ride Angie today as it was very windy and I'm sooooo tired from work this week. I did 10 and a half hours work on thursday and turned over $4500. I can't wait to have my own practice!!! Im really enjoying work at salamander bay and its really nice to hear good feedback from the patients. All the staff get on so well and the patients pick up on it and comment how nice an atmosphere it is.

Gaz is currently downloading this weeks apprentice...hopefully that annoying northern guy will go!!!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Thursday 24th May - 12 hour shift

I think i must be nuts but in order to get a wednesday afternoon off, i decided to work later on a thursday ie. from 8.30am to 8pm....Yesterday i finished at 2.30pm so Gaz picked me up from work with the surf board on the roof and wetsuits packed. We drove to one mile beach and were so excited about our afternoon out surfing. Angie had been ridden at 5am so i knew she was all exercised and fed for the day leaving a good afternoon free for surfing...gaz carried the surf board to the beach (balanced on his you do)...we were both geared up in our wet to the waves. Not even a little wave....nothing. it was flat...we thought we would get closer to the water just incase the waves were any bigger close up...but there weren't any waves so we paddled for a few minutes and admitted defeat. Board went back on the car and gaz took me out for food. We went to the sports club in a place called fin gal bay. We haven't been there before but were pleasantly surprised at how good the food was! Afterwards, as it was 'date night', gaz took me to the cinema to see 'The Dictator' was a load of rubbish so ill save you all 2 hours of your lives, don't bother going to see it.

Today i had a 12 hour shift in work. My lunch break was a little messed up so i ended up missing it and rung gaz at 2pm saying IM STARVING! so he kindly offered to go pick me up a sandwich from subway.   He's so lovely! He brought it in to work for me, bless him. I then didn't get a chance to eat it until 4pm...i was starrrrrving. This evening i worked till 8pm. My last patient was the woman i had the wax build ups of her teeth done in the lab...they looked amazing and she was almost in tears in the chair. She is coming back in on saturday for the finishing touches as they still need polishing and neatening up around the gum area but overall they look great....will take some pics!

Gaz picked me up after work as he decided not to go to Diggers to play poker. Yesterday he said he would make those poker videos but today he's changed his mind...i wish he would just make a decision! We had a thai takeaway - it was yummy but I'm tired now. sleep time!

Monday 21 May 2012

Monday 21st May - Italian

Gaz and i have just been for an italian meal at a local restaurant which was absolutely beautiful! very fresh  and very well cooked.

Gaz had an interview today with a poker guy who has asked gaz to make some videos for his website...gaz seems interested and its a bit of extra money should he accept so he has to make a decision by thursday morning. He should just do it but you all know what he's like, worries about everything and has low confidence thinking people might not agree with the information he gives. i don't think he really has much to loose but its his decision.

I had work today as i had the other saturday off. i only worked a half day but i got lots of treatments done in that time. Im also sorting out my visa which is a real headache! So much least I'm going through an agency linked to pacific smiles this time so they can help me out.

I had a lesson on Angie...we are learning so much...every lesson ellen teaches me something new...just when you think theres nothing more to learn! Ive also made another video of her which once it has uploaded (in the next 2 hours) you will be able to watch it on this link below...(Nanny, click the writing below)...

Saturday 19 May 2012

Saturday 19th May - Skype

Friday gaz text me while ti was in work saying he had a surprise for me which was very exciting! When i got home, he opened the door to the garage and propped up against the wall was a surf board! The guy who gave us the wet suits had also called round ear lie run the day to give us a board...was so nice of him!

After i finished work, i went up to lunge Angie. I panicked for a bit because she wasn't waiting by the fence like she usually does and it was pitch black so i couldn't see her. She is in a 3 acre field filled with trees which i have not yet ventured through so i called her and called her. I shone my rubbish torch but it didn't shine very far...i rung gaz a little worried that she hadn't come to the fence but as i was speaking to him, i could see a reflection of her eye in the torch. She was on her way to the fence...thank god! I lunged her for half an hour...she was a little naughty but she's still awesome!

This morning i had seemed to be a quiet day in work as my appointment times were really long and none of the treatment took me as long to complete. Gaz had a good day on the computer and when i got home from work, we went in search of a roof rack for the surf boards...we didn't manage to find any thing suitable unfortunately.

I lunged angie again today and she went crazy! Greg (Ellens husband) was in the shed next to the round ring and angie didn't like the sound of the banging so she was going crazy...she then stood on the lunge line and snapped belonged to ellen so i best text her an apology and get her a new one tomorrow! When i rode Angie she was good as gold. I think she's getting a little board of all the schooling so i must see about getting some shoes put on her.

Gaz and i spoke to mum and dad for the first time in weeks! don't know where the time has gone but it was good to hear from them. Huw also rang and we got to see how much Emmy has grown.

Tomorrow the plan was to go surfing but if we can't find a roof rack, we won't be able to :( either way ill be up riding angie and making a new video of her so you can all see her progress!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Wednesday 16th May - date night disaster!

So today was my turn to take gaz out for our weekly 'date night'. I thought it would be nice to drive him to Newcastle to have a meal and then visit his favourite chocolate shop for desert, Max Brenner. Unfortunately the sat nav took us the most ridiculous way...we got stuck in 45 mins of traffic on top of the hour long drive to where we were heading. We had to keep pulling over to check where we were...gaz wanting to find where we were on the sat nav, myself getting annoyed that i had the route on my iPhone gps so lets follow that but gaz demanding i wait whilst he set the sat was only a lil tiff, we were fine afterwards lol...i drove us to the shopping centre where it bought max brenners was only the car park was empty and all the shops closed. According to the iPhone, max brenners was 6 minutes away. Back in the car and gaz drove, hot headed to the 'max brannier' location on the iPhone. It was nothing but Newcastles version of the RSL. Accordingt o the iPhone we were stood right on top of max Brenner! We then checked the max brannier website....nope....max brannier WAS back at the shopping centre we were at originally only we were in the 'north' car park and it appears most people park in the 'south' car park. WHAT EFFORT! A very stressed vicky and gaz finally found max brenners. We had food in a burger joint and then forced a chocolate soufflé down our necks just because despite being full up on burger and chips, we had driven 2 hours to be here and we WERE going to make the most of it! Gaz and i laughed about the whole experience not he way back in the least our first date night will be one to remember! Gaz's turn for date night next week...he says we will keep it local!

It wasn't helped by the fact i had been up since 5am for a horse riding lesson at 6am. Angie is improving every lesson and Ellen even said she's building muscle int he right places. My riding has also vastly improved and more importantly, I'm beginning to understand WHY we do certain things when we ride and when they should be done.

Work was pretty quiet. A few nutters but nothing out of the ordinary. Oh and the guy, luke, who i saw on monday (our surfing instructor) came in to have a tooth i wasn't charging him, he gave gaz and i some wet suits!!!

Gaz did well on the computer although he is still undecided about making his own poker watch this space!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Tuesday 15th May

Gaz and I had a surf lesson on Sunday which was great fun. Gaz was heaps better than our first lesson. We had a different instructor, Luke, and he showed gaz a different technique on how to stand up on the board and it seemed to do the trick as gaz caught a lot of waves. Luke mentioned his tooth had been sore so i offered to see him as a patient at the practice. On monday i wasn't going to go in to work but i had as coincidence would have it, i had a dream that one of my patients (whose crown got stuck in place during the try in) had come off so i rung work on my day off on monday and asked the receptionist to ring the guy to see if he wanted to come in at 10am and have the crown put back on. She said she would ring him at 9am but apparently as soon as she put the phone down from speaking to me, he rung to say his crown had come off! Luke had also text gaz saying his tooth had been aching all night...i text luke offering to treat him monday morning. Although it was my day off, i didn't mind going in. Luke needed a bit of work going so i did most of it and haven't charged him...hes had a good 700AUD if not more of dental work done for free. He's offered to sort gaz and i out with some wetsuits for surfing.

Yesterday afternoon, gaz went out on the kayak to do some fishing but it was too rough to do the fishing part so instead he paddled around on the kayak. I had a riding lesson on Angie. She's doing very well and is improving every lesson.

Gaz was offered a job today producing poker videos for a poker training site. He is still contemplating whether to take it or not.

Work went well today. The manager showed me the feedback forms that some patients had filled in online...there war sonly 4 that had been completed so obviously hardly any one fills them in...but they were all 10 out of 10's and positive comments about professionalism and being made to feel at ease. It was nice to not have any negative feedback!

I haven't been to see Angie today so i cooked some dinner for gaz and i and we are now watching lord of the rings. Tomorrow is 'date night'...a new thing gaz and i are doing. Each wednesday one of us must take the other one out whether it be to a restaurant, cinema, bowling etc going to take gaz to newcastle (40 mins away) and we will go to a nice restaurant there before going to max brenners the chocolate shop for desert!

Friday 11 May 2012

Friday 11th May - 5am start

Yesterday after work i went to a lecture on root canal treatment with Wyatt (my work colleague). It didn't finish until 8.30pm so i was pretty tired, especially after a long day in work! Gaz spent the evening at Diggers entering a poker tournament there. He said the players were rubbish...yet they still beat him so I've had fun ridiculing him for that.

I have spent most of my time the past few evenings editing another video of our weekend in Sydney. 2 hours of video footage to get through! Ive managed to narrow it down to 9 minutes of action packed fun to music. This morning i was up at 5am to drive to see angie as Ellen was giving me a 6am lesson. Ellen is away this weekend and i haven't had a lesson all week. I wanted to make sure i wasn't doing any thing wrong on Angie. When i got up to the yard at 5.30am most of the horses were lying down sleeping. Angie was awake and standing and gave her excited neigh when she heard me call her. She worked very nicely for me during the lesson and Ellen is impressed with how well she behaves. By the time i finished up the yard, i didn't have time to eat any breakfast so i quickly showered and went straight to work. i couldn't wait for lunch time...but i had a very difficult extraction that turned into a surgical and i couldn't finish it as it all got  bit messy so I've had to refer her...i think she hates me but i didn't charge her for an hour of my time as i felt a bit bad! I've had a rubbish day...i went to insert a crown i had made for someone...he bit down and the crown popped on very nicely...but the trouble is i couldn't get it off to cement it on!!! Ive told hint o try eating a sticky toffee to pull it off but he didn't come back so I'm assuming it still hasn't come off!!! The crown fit the tooth very worried he's going to swallow it now!!!

The good news is i have another day off tomorrow as there weren't enough patients to fill me book so they felt it best we just close the surgery for the day. Yay! I get to see Angie instead and she's having her hooves trimmed so I'm glad ill be there for that.

The weather has been lovely here. Not been so cold in the evenings as it was last week and int he day its been like a hot summers day in the uk.

Hopefully tomorrow gaz will get out on the kayak...i might go with him as it might actually force him to go out and do it otherwise he will get all caught up on the computer.

Monday 7 May 2012

link to Angies video...

My first 3 weeks of owning Angie can be viewed on the video i made!

Monday 7th may - Weekend in sydney

ARGHHHHH i just wrote the blog for the weekend and then it got deleted! Angry!!!

Gaz and i spent the weekend in sydney visiting his friend, Tom, who he has known since high school. Tom was meant to be running the ironman up in port macquarie but broke his hand 2 weeks ago and had to pull out so him a nd his girlfriend, sarah, were staying with a friend in sydney.

We drove to meet them in manly on saturday afternoon and Gaz got very stressed with the traffic...especially when some idiot almost drove into the back of us! we found a car park but once parked up, we noticed it was 40AUD for 2 hours!!! we went to leave but the car wouldn't start. Luckily the guy next to us was just leaving and noticed we were having some trouble so he very kindly offered to jump start our car. We found a cheaper car park but were a little anxious that the car wouldn't start up again! We had lunch in a pub with tom, sarah, Fi and carla. We talked non stop, laughed and enjoyed each others company. It was great fun. We then drove everyone into the centre of sydney and got to drive over the harbour bridge!

We found our hotel which apparently was 4 star but i would argue it was more 3. great location though. We went over to Fis flat in the centre of sydney and had pre drinks before we went out to enjoy the fireworks at darling harbour. For a free firework display, it was 6 minutes worth of very good fireworks! Afterwards we went and had dinner at a tepanyaki restaurant. For those thatdont know, it is where your food is cooked in front of you by a chef...he also entertained us by chucking food at us...sounds a bit like abuse but it was great fun!

The next day we met everyone to go for breakfast at a place ever looking the water in darling harbour. the weather was great - shorts and t shirt weather which aint bad for winter! We walked over to the chinese gardens where gaz had been to visit a few times when he was travelling...i can't imagine gaz enjoying chinese gardens but he did! afterwards we went to sydney aquarium...i was a little disappointed as they seem to have changed it. There weren't any crocodiles or any seals like there used to be and i was a little sad at the big turtle swimming back and for along the barrier in the hope he may be able to escape. not like how i remembered it.

In the evening Fi took us to a very posh chinese restaurant. It was busy inside, full of chinese people. We were seated...and given one menu between the five of us. Fi asked for another menu...we were given one more. We were then completely ignored for the next 15 minutes. No offer of drinks...and the waiters were just flitting about between the chinese peoples tables. I said it reminded me of our experience win canberra! Fi asked if we were still happy to eat there and i could see from everyones expressions they weren't too i piped up and said i didn't feel very comfortable in there and i didn't like the fact we were ignored. S o we got up and left...none of the waiters asked where we were going or made eye contact. We headed in to china town and found a pleasant cheap restaurant where we got a decent meal.

After our food we went to the entertainment arcade and managed to get Tom on dance dance. I have filmed him dancing and will have to speed it up to some benny hill music! It was yet another great day.

This morning we met up with sarah and tom and had a stroll around the shops before heading to our favourite, max Branner for another hot chocolate...yum! Gaz and i left not long after and drove safely home via Autobarn and picked up a battery operated jump start kit for the car. i then went to see Angie and rode her. Just uploading a video i have done of angie....stay tuned!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Wednesday 2nd May - Angie progresses

Not much has happened since the weekend. On Monday i had a lesson on Angie with Ellen. We had a break through in both my riding skill and Angies ability. I was able to get Angie to 'give her nose' aka to become more rounded in her frame and push with more energy from her hind quarters (her back legs). It is something that i have only really been able to do since my lessons with Ellen as the horse i used to ride, Tammy was always able to do it...but to get Angie to do it means i must be applying the right aids because it is something she's not been able to do before. She went really well for me in the lesson and i didn't want to get off her! Ellen loves angie and said she is very jealous that i have landed on such a beautiful horse for a give away price!

Whilst i was riding, gaz took the kayak out for a paddle. He took his fishing gear but he said the rod got in the way a little so i think he's going to keep kayaking and fishing separate in the future. He paddled right out to some headland and said it was really enjoyable so he will be doing it again soon.

Gaz cooked a curry in the was delicious!

Yesterday work flew by. I have turned over 38 grand for the practice in 4 weeks and thats working 4.5 days a week and including the 3 days i had off for public holidays. The manager is very pleased with me! next month i should hopefully turn over even more as the first 2 weeks in april were pretty quiet for me as i hadn't long started at work and have been building up a patient base. Word must be getting around about me as one patient asked me if i was 'the welsh dentist'...thank god she didn't say english! I have my own business cards and my name on a plaque on the wall in work...they just need to change my name over on the website now.

Yesterday evening Gaz came up to see angie with me. This horse just keeps getting better and better. I asked for her nose and she gave it straight away without any pulling on the reins. She listened to what i asked and did it, no fussing.

Today work is going well. I was showing the other dentist there how to surgically remove a wisdom was a very difficult surgical as the roots were curved so the tooth had anchored itself into the bone. I showed the dentist how to cut the gum, remove bone, section the tooth and elevate it out and suture...he was impressed...ive told him to find his own patient to practice on and to call me in if he needs a hand. Thats the beauty of having worked in hervey bay...i feel very confident with surgicals now. I was running 40 minutes behind but i managed to catch up. Im on my lunch break at the moment...gaz is busy on the computer so i thought id write the blog! i think we are going to go bowling tonight. We have a bowling alley just down the can't be any worse than the one in hervey bay! Im thinking about buying a cheap HD video camera so i can perhaps record parts of the day and edit them daily instead of writing a diary. Ian...any HD video camera recommendations? Don't want to be spending over 500AUD but don't want any thing too cheap. Something small, light, simple to use and easy to edit with.