Saturday 26 May 2012

Saturday 25th May

Gaz has had a good month so far on the computer so he's pretty happy! He's decided not to do the poker videos as for some reason he was stressing over them...i think he should have just done it but he says i don't understand. Anyway, its his decision! We are both going to go surfing tomorrow after i ride Angie. We have had a big storm here so the waves are meant to be pretty big right now...hopefully not TOO big!!!

Yesterday work was VERY slow. It appears Aussies don't like going out when its wet and stormy as the majority of my patients cancelled in the instead i went and rode Angie. Id rather be riding Angie than working any way! Today was very busy in work...people turning up off the street with toothaches! One 18 year old kid from England came and had a tooth pulled and left without paying! The receptionist ran after him but he had cycled off...What he didn't realise was his mum who rang and made the appointment had left a telephone number which i rung straight away. The mum answered and i said her son had left without paying. I was very annoyed because he was booked in for a check up and i could have charged him 150 dollars for the clean but he was in pain so i said look there isn't much point me cleaning your teeth as you only brush once a day any way, how about we get you out of pain instead? He made me laugh, i said 'do you brush you teeth in the morning?' he replied "no i have a new job now, i don't have time to brush in the morning?" i said "what you can't spare 2 minutes of your morning to brush your teeth?" he said "no i don't have time" i said well how about you make time and set your alarm 2 minutes earlier, it isn't difficult. People are so stupid!

I didn't ride Angie today as it was very windy and I'm sooooo tired from work this week. I did 10 and a half hours work on thursday and turned over $4500. I can't wait to have my own practice!!! Im really enjoying work at salamander bay and its really nice to hear good feedback from the patients. All the staff get on so well and the patients pick up on it and comment how nice an atmosphere it is.

Gaz is currently downloading this weeks apprentice...hopefully that annoying northern guy will go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the surfing went well. Looking forward to a few photos. Ian x
