Thursday 24 May 2012

Thursday 24th May - 12 hour shift

I think i must be nuts but in order to get a wednesday afternoon off, i decided to work later on a thursday ie. from 8.30am to 8pm....Yesterday i finished at 2.30pm so Gaz picked me up from work with the surf board on the roof and wetsuits packed. We drove to one mile beach and were so excited about our afternoon out surfing. Angie had been ridden at 5am so i knew she was all exercised and fed for the day leaving a good afternoon free for surfing...gaz carried the surf board to the beach (balanced on his you do)...we were both geared up in our wet to the waves. Not even a little wave....nothing. it was flat...we thought we would get closer to the water just incase the waves were any bigger close up...but there weren't any waves so we paddled for a few minutes and admitted defeat. Board went back on the car and gaz took me out for food. We went to the sports club in a place called fin gal bay. We haven't been there before but were pleasantly surprised at how good the food was! Afterwards, as it was 'date night', gaz took me to the cinema to see 'The Dictator' was a load of rubbish so ill save you all 2 hours of your lives, don't bother going to see it.

Today i had a 12 hour shift in work. My lunch break was a little messed up so i ended up missing it and rung gaz at 2pm saying IM STARVING! so he kindly offered to go pick me up a sandwich from subway.   He's so lovely! He brought it in to work for me, bless him. I then didn't get a chance to eat it until 4pm...i was starrrrrving. This evening i worked till 8pm. My last patient was the woman i had the wax build ups of her teeth done in the lab...they looked amazing and she was almost in tears in the chair. She is coming back in on saturday for the finishing touches as they still need polishing and neatening up around the gum area but overall they look great....will take some pics!

Gaz picked me up after work as he decided not to go to Diggers to play poker. Yesterday he said he would make those poker videos but today he's changed his mind...i wish he would just make a decision! We had a thai takeaway - it was yummy but I'm tired now. sleep time!

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