Tuesday 1 May 2012

Wednesday 2nd May - Angie progresses

Not much has happened since the weekend. On Monday i had a lesson on Angie with Ellen. We had a break through in both my riding skill and Angies ability. I was able to get Angie to 'give her nose' aka to become more rounded in her frame and push with more energy from her hind quarters (her back legs). It is something that i have only really been able to do since my lessons with Ellen as the horse i used to ride, Tammy was always able to do it...but to get Angie to do it means i must be applying the right aids because it is something she's not been able to do before. She went really well for me in the lesson and i didn't want to get off her! Ellen loves angie and said she is very jealous that i have landed on such a beautiful horse for a give away price!

Whilst i was riding, gaz took the kayak out for a paddle. He took his fishing gear but he said the rod got in the way a little so i think he's going to keep kayaking and fishing separate in the future. He paddled right out to some headland and said it was really enjoyable so he will be doing it again soon.

Gaz cooked a curry in the evening...it was delicious!

Yesterday work flew by. I have turned over 38 grand for the practice in 4 weeks and thats working 4.5 days a week and including the 3 days i had off for public holidays. The manager is very pleased with me! next month i should hopefully turn over even more as the first 2 weeks in april were pretty quiet for me as i hadn't long started at work and have been building up a patient base. Word must be getting around about me as one patient asked me if i was 'the welsh dentist'...thank god she didn't say english! I have my own business cards and my name on a plaque on the wall in work...they just need to change my name over on the website now.

Yesterday evening Gaz came up to see angie with me. This horse just keeps getting better and better. I asked for her nose and she gave it straight away without any pulling on the reins. She listened to what i asked and did it, no fussing.

Today work is going well. I was showing the other dentist there how to surgically remove a wisdom tooth...it was a very difficult surgical as the roots were curved so the tooth had anchored itself into the bone. I showed the dentist how to cut the gum, remove bone, section the tooth and elevate it out and suture...he was impressed...ive told him to find his own patient to practice on and to call me in if he needs a hand. Thats the beauty of having worked in hervey bay...i feel very confident with surgicals now. I was running 40 minutes behind but i managed to catch up. Im on my lunch break at the moment...gaz is busy on the computer so i thought id write the blog! i think we are going to go bowling tonight. We have a bowling alley just down the road..it can't be any worse than the one in hervey bay! Im thinking about buying a cheap HD video camera so i can perhaps record parts of the day and edit them daily instead of writing a diary. Ian...any HD video camera recommendations? Don't want to be spending over 500AUD but don't want any thing too cheap. Something small, light, simple to use and easy to edit with.

1 comment:

  1. Great news about Angie. Giving you her nose sounds a bit awkward, but she must trust you so much. How about a Skype chat some time about the video options. Ian x
