Friday 15 June 2012

Friday 15th June - horse float on order!

Yesterday Gaz went to play poker at Diggers...he still didn't win but he says it isn't coz he's rubbish, more to do with luck of the cards...i keep telling him these old ladies he's playing must be better poker players than him (just to wind him up....its working hehe)...our friend nathan won for the 4th time in a row!  Gaz had a good time and enjoyed himself...he was out till late and by the time he got home, i hate eaten a whole dominos pizza to myself and was snuggled up in bed fast asleep.

Today i didn't have a patient until 10.30am so i got up at 6.30am and went to ride Angie. It was beautiful day and got up to 21 degrees so i left Angies rug off her all day and got Ellen to put it on her this evening. I think she was grateful to have the rug off for a change...i bet she's been rolling!

Ive put a deposit down on my horse excited! The guy will enjoy making it as I'm having lots of extras put in. it takes 3 months to make so at least ill have it for october when I'm back. Now all i need to do is to find a car which i will be test driving 2 of them on monday.


Having spoken with the immigration lawyer who may or may not know what he's doing...i am now applying for a temporary sponsorship visa (457) and gaz will be put on to this visa. We only need to show proof we have been living together for 6 months for gaz to go on my 457 visa...we have more than 6 months proof as we got the rent, bills and the car in both our names. Im signing a contract at work for 2 years. This will allow me to do my implant and invisalign course next year plus an extra year before gaz and i consider buying and starting up our own dental practice....which is the plan! the visas will be lodged when we leave to come back to the uK in july as gaz has to be off australian soil to lodge a new application. Exciting!

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