Tuesday 12 June 2012

Monday 12th June - STRESSFUL DAY!

Friday after work, gaz and i met up with one of gazs poker friends from diggers, Nathan. He brought his girlfriend, Em, with him. It was lovely to meet them both and we all got on really well. We enjoyed a nice meal at one of the sports clubs in Fingal Bay and talked non-stop for hours. Turns out we all have pretty similar interests and nathan is a keen surfer and has invited us out to surf with him...which could be useful as he knows when the best times to go are! Em is also into horse riding so ill have to introduce her to Ellen for some lessons! After dinner, we all went out separate ways and Gaz got us home in time for the rugby - wales vs australia. The less said about that match the better!

I was up for work on saturday...very envious of Gaz who was snuggled up like a cacoon in the duvet. The weather has been really bad here lately...lots of rain! Work was ok...was glad when it was over as i got to go and ride Angie! One of the girls had a new horse up there and was taking her 'out the back' to the land behind where Ellen keeps all the horses. I must say, i was a little disappointed....i took Angie thinking it was going to be an interesting ride for her...but no, it was just a field...and a small one at that. Ia asked the girl where she rides from here? and she said you just go around in circles around the field...but you can change direction...woopdedo...the rest of the land is owned by the water company and they have wardens patrolling the land...if you get caught riding out there, you get a $300 fine...i don't think thats worth the risk...ill just have to wait to get my horse box so that i can take Angie interesting places like to the beach!

On Sunday i was up riding Angie early before gaz and i headed down to sydney. Gaz kindly drove all the way...Sydney was pouring down! intact, it didn't stop raining all weekend and it wasn't even drizzle...it was big rain droplets! We stayed in a different hotel to the one we were in last time...this hotel was in 'the rocks' and the net road over from darling harbour. Great location. As it was raining, we grabbed some lunch and went to the cinema to watch 'prometheus'....pretty average film but the cinema was impressive! Very big! Afterwards we went into one of the arcades to have a go on a simulator pirate ship game...you sit in the ship and it moves around as you shoot the skeleton ghosts....its good fun. We spent $27 on the game...good times! Afterwards we stopped at a restaurant that Gaz spotted. it was small but romantically lit and the food was very decently priced and delicious.

Monday morning and gaz and i enjoyed a well deserved lie in. As it was raining, we decided to go to madam tussauds...it wasn't as good or as big as the one in london but was still good fun. At first gaz didn't look impressed but your invited to try on outfits and take photos of you with the wax models of celebrities...i ordered gaz to have the first of his pictures taken and after that, he loved it! (he won't admit it though but i have the photographic evidence!!!).

After madam tussauds we had a stroll around the rocks (the old part of sydney). We were looking for UGG boots only the pair i liked ($360) didn't have my size....probabley for the best really as in hindsight, that is a stupid amount to spend on a pair of shoes...but they were gorgeous! We even went in to the original UGG boot store...was a little disappointing...no nice UGG boots there. Opposite was a cafe which we were ushered in to by the waitress....we got a little annoyed as they seated us upstairs and kept us eating ages before they took our drinks order. They even had the cheek to put in small print on the menu '$3 surcharge PER MEAL as its bank holiday'....the cheek!  To be fair, the food was bloody good but thats not the point. it was nice inside. They had an upstairs and a downstairs log fire burning...felt like being home in the UK at winter. Rain lashing on the windows and being all snug inside next to the fire.
In the afternoon we had a browse of some of the shops...i bought a dress...will need some shoes for it now too! Gaz was just happy to get to sit down outside the changing rooms for 5 minutes! We went back to the hotel and slept for an hour before Fi, the girl we met through Tom in sydney last time, gave us a text and we met up in Max brenners...the ultimate chocolate/coffee shop!

This morning was the most stressful day in a long while! I was up at 6am to walk down to have my medical done for my visa...it was a longggggg walk. At 7am, sydney was like a ghost town! I was first to arrive at my visa but when they opened up, people had managed to get served before me....typical. I  then got pushed further back in the que as i had to refill my forms out because my printer had cut some writing off the top of one of the pages. The chest x ray and eye test was done quite quick...then i was called for a urine sample but got stage fright and took ages to issue a dribble...and then blood test was quick...but had to wait AGES for the doctor examination. People who had sat down after me were getting served before me? just as i had text my rage to gaz, i was then called through. The doctor was a young guy who made me strip down to my underwear...a little embarrassing as i had odd underwear on as i wasn't expecting that! But he asked what my partner did so i told him and he spent the majority of the examination, between listening to breathing and measuring blood pressure, asking how gaz makes his money LOL. When the medical was finally over (took 2 hours in all) i marched up George street, sydney, to get to the immigration lawyer. Gaz was still in bed so didn't come with me...when i got to the immigration lawyer, he told me gaz may swell go straight onto my visa application. I rung gaz and put him on speakerphone...the lawyer was surprised to hear gaz was on a  tourist visa but hadn't been leaving the country every 3 months..the lawyer seemed to think gaz may have been breaching his visa as usually people have to leave every 3 months to come back into the country on the visa? of course that got gaz panicking then....I remember when gaz got the visa, we read through it about 10 times so i knew there wasn't a clause about having to leave every 3 months so i was pretty calm about it all...Gaz was pulling his hair out though! Luckly we got home and gaz checked his visa...its all ok, he hasn't breached his visa, the immigration lawyer got it wrong....worryingly!

Ive been up to ride Angie and had my last physic session for my back which hasn't been twanging quite as bad as what it was doing 3 weeks ago.

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