Saturday 30 June 2012

Sunday 1st July - gaz wins!

Opps its been a whole week since i wrote the blog - where has the time gone?!

Im very proud of gaz this week as not only has he been for a run, but he's also won not one, but TWO of the poker tournaments here in port stephens! Well done gaz....he brought home a nice 200AUD the first time and insisted i took half....bless him. He went with Nathan to a poker tournament in a place called raymond terrace on friday night and the were gone till 1am. People must have thought it was a set up as nathan came second and gaz came first! On friday night, whilst gaz was at poker, i went to a works do. We had it at the bowling alley just down the road. I went over to one of the dental assistants flats first where the other girls all met up swell and had dinner. We were a little peeved at the bowling alley because on friday nights they turn the lights off and you bowl in the dark and the pins and balls all glow and theres strobe lighting and they crank the music up...but there was a group of disabled people int here, one of which had epilepsy so we weren't allowed to do it until they all let....and they hung around for AGES afterwards. Anyway, my bowling skills were as expected...pretty shocking...but so were the other girls so it was alright.

My lesson with Ellen on monday went well but it had been raining so the school was a little water logged and Angie didn't really enjoy trotting through all the puddles for an hour. Plus it was nearly feeding time at the yard, when Ellen puts the hay out for the horses, so i could see Angie eyeing up the other horses int heir fields making sure their hay hadn't arrived yet!

The week in work has been a mixed bag. The days looked quiet but somehow loads of people kept walking in off the streets wanting treatment so we were able to fit them in. The other dentist has gone on holiday now for 2 weeks so I'm going to have a busy time ahead of me (hopefully!).  Im even working a monday morning which i don't usually do!

This morning i was up at 6am and met 2 of the girls with horses at the yard. We tacked up and headed out to the private land (owned by the water works) which we aren't really meant to be riding on. Never the less it was fantastic! We've had lovely weather this past week and its meant to continue into next week. Angie was such a star...i didn't know how she would behave as she hadn't been off the yard since before november. For the first 5 minutes i could feel she was a little excited/anxious but i just relaxed the reins and she soon settled. There were a number of occasions where we had to ride through water up to their bellies.Angie LOVED it! She wanted to lead the whole way. She splashed her way through the water. We all had a trot so i put Angie to the back of the ride but she didn't even try to quicken up to overtake them. Being a race horse i wasn't sure if she would want to get in front but nope, she was perfect. I was so happy with her. One of the girls has invited me to take Angie on her horse float (box) next weekend to go to another horse riding track...a legal track. I don't know what Angie is like to load onto a float!

Gaz and i are off up the yard again to see angie this evening and we are taking Em and Nathan with us. Em loves horses so I've said she can have Angies brushes when I'm away and she can go up and brush her whenever she likes. Angie will enjoy the attention.

Oh and I've contacted the local koala rescue society and Gaz and i are going to do a course when we com back out so eventually we can be injured koala carers! yay!


  1. I don't know what to most excited about. Gaz winning, Angie swimming or you pair becoming Koala carers. Good to know you are having such a good time. x

  2. Life sounds good! Love the idea of Gaz being a koala carer. Does that mean you'll be keeping them in your back garden or house? Better check the lease on your next house allows it. Congrats to Gaz on his wins

    Chris xxx
