Friday 6 January 2012

06/01/2012 110 posts later, and Gareth finally contributes

So I have been informed by Dad, through the intermediary of Vicky, that I should write at least one of the blog posts. Seeing as I went fishing the other day I was not surprised to see the timing of this request and as such it seems to make sense that I take over the blog duty for the day.

Unfortunately less seems to happen in my general day than vicky's so I hope you are prepared to be underwhelmed.

I should probably start today's blog post with an account of my fishing trip yesterday. The scene is set as so, Vicky wakes me up at 5am (worrying about a patient she numbed up "a bit too much"), I attempt to reassure her/dismiss any talk so I can get back to sleep, the next thing I know, I have woken up due to my phone vibrating. At first i called for vicky (why i have no idea) before eventually realising that it was somebody calling me. I am not at my cerebral best in the morning (this generalisation covers the entire morning) but i mustered the energy at 8.20am to answer the phone and attempt to piece together who I was talking too. After a good 30 seconds I realised who i was talking too and had arranged to join Mark (work colleague of Vicky's) to go out for a mornings fishing.

I scoffed some breakfast, put on the sun block and attempted to mask the smell of the previous nights exercise with a generous helping of deodorant a la, the spanish shower, fortunately with some decent success. Mark picked me up in his 4x4 with his 6 metre tiny and 40hp motor in tow. We drive along to Vernon point and quickly launch the boat into the sea. It appeared the everyone who was not in work were on their boats, albeit no more than 500 yards from the shore. As such, Mark decided to motor just a little bit further away and we set up for some fishing.

The rods were fairly light and similar to that of the ones currently propped up in the garage and we had a mixture of squid and prawns for bait. Mark handed me my road and by the time he got his own in the water i had already caught a "insert generic snapper like fish name" here. The hook was only ever so slightly smaller than the fish. It was an omen of things to come. After about 3-4 hours of fishing we had caught a large variety of fish albeit on a narrow scale of size! I will state this part just now, I did catch the biggest fish, which is what is important! but all in all we caught the snapper-esq fish, a "grinner" (like a flathead, large open mouth, that has a certain toothy grin), flathead (about 12 inches), parrot fish, a toady (that spat water over both of us), cod and, weirdest of all, mark had proclaimed that i had caught a "knot" eel. It was brown and looked like a small 12 inch moray eel.... It was only as i lifted it out of the water that i saw where this fish got it's name from as it tried to knot itself around the hook and line. It was very interesting to watch, however it made it difficult to remove the hook, I suggested to Mark that i lower it back in to the water so that it could un-tie itself and then i could either cut the line or try to be quick and remove the hook. Unfortunately the fish had different ideas, and abused the "give an inch, take a mile" mantra as he went into knot overdrive, worked up past the weight and a further 6 to 12 inches up the line. "Uhhh Mark...." there was literally nothing we could do but cut the line, weight hook and all... cut a long story short, it sank pretty fast. But as all fishermen are eternal optimists, I am sure he freed himself.... sort of.... maybe......hmmmm. The absolute worst case scenario is he will reintegrate into the food system.

That was the last fish of the day and I got back to the house just in time for vicky's lunch break! It was really enjoyable and i hope i'm lucky enough or good enough at bribing Mark with offers of newly discovered curry recipes that he will take me out on it again.

The rest of the day was "as usual" so to speak. I played more computer and we settled for an early night.

After writing so much about yesterday I really don't want to make this post tl;dr (too long, didn't read) so i will keep it brief (not least for the fact that not a lot happened) I succeeded at playing the computer more and Vicky went out for an afternoon/evening ride out with Cassie from work. I was told it was "hot but enjoyable" without much expansion on that but she seemed very happy with being able to go out for a ride so obviously it was good. After this we decided to do another session of that bastard (the bastard is silent when pronouncing the full title) bodyrockers home workout. Thankfully the evening off the night before meant that we were slightly more recovered/supple than previously, we bashed through the workout and felt relatively ok after it, to the point that even I was happy to create some further exercises to push ourselves that little bit harder tonight than we would have otherwise. Bring out the boxing gloves and pads, and 5 minutes later I'm shouting at Vicky every word under the sun. I have no idea how thin our garage walls are but I would not be surprised if it sounded like a case of domestic abuse. "why.. do you do this to me.." thud! "Stop talking..." whack! I think we both enjoyed it really though and it was good to get that little bit extra done (and not just ache in our quads for a change).

We then needed to get some food but most of the restaurants in Hervey bay stop serving by 9... I know, I don't know why either, but we were able to find a nice boodle bar that was open for another 20 mins so we scooted off an enjoyed some nice fresh beef and noodles (mine sans all the veg that vicky added to hers), scoffed it down and got back to the house for about 9.30 pm.

We're both very excited about the prospect of seeing Alan and Gloria on Sunday (hope your flight is alright guys) and Vicky is also very excited about our trip to Brisbane shopping (note the difference in the excitement between the two events, the excitement for shopping is singular). I am currently sat here trying to think of ways i can procrastinate whilst in Chermside shopping centre. I have already prepared my answers "it looks great on you!".... "Wow, both look stunning, you can get either one you want!", "I'll be at Mcdonalds if you need me..." and lastly "zzzz". hopefully the relationship will survive tomorrow. If vicky thinks i moan when it comes to working out, then it's just the tip of the iceberg compared to when shopping!

See you soon guys (i will try to post another update sooner than the next 110 posts)

Gareth out!

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