Tuesday 10 January 2012

Tuesday 10th January - Hervey Bay

What a great day! Mum and dad enjoyed morning tea and coffee on the balcony. Thankfully the sun was shining today and it reached 32degrees! Gaz played on the computer leaving some alone time for me and the parents. I drove them down to the botanical gardens Hervey bay which they were very impressed with. The gardens are peaceful with the tranquil noise of the water fountains in the lake. I showed mum and dad the resident turtles in the lake who kept popping their little heads out of the water to see what was going on. Very cute. It was very hot so we got back in the car and drove over to Togoom (an area that rated highly with Gaz's parents). Fortunately when we arrived, the tide was in which makes the place look so much more scenic than when the tide is out. Mum and dad were in awe of peoples houses with boats at the bottom of their garden occupying the sea. We tried to buy some cold beers in the cafe and take them for our picnic but we were told off and told they did not have a licence for us to take alcohol off the premises. They drank the beers at the table instead and afterwards we grabbed the picnic box from the car and took it over to a sandy part of Togoom. We crossed a bridge and saw the biggest crab i have ever seen shuffling its way down the river. There were also lots of little crabs in the mangroves - the colour of which was beautiful...a bright blue shell. We also spotted some little fish with legs walking along the mud flats? don't know what they were! Anyway, we enjoyed the picnic in the shade on the beach and sat amazed at how quiet it was around there.

When we got back to the house mid afternoon, Gaz had finished on the computer. We sat on the balcony before mum and dad ventured to the butchers to get meat for the bbq. Gaz and i went in the pool which was the warmest it has been! Mum and dad joined us not long after they got back. I had to vacate the pool around 4pm to get ready for an interview at Primere Dental Studio. Fro the outside the place looked pretty smart but inside looked a little dated and run down. I was told previously that the job was meant for a woman but her husband died of a heart attack and she hadn't been in touch with the practice manager. I had a voice mail this morning saying the job was definitely available as this woman had had to go back to china. By the time i turned up for the interview i was informed that the woman was 'in shock' and would now like the job back. Therefore, the job was no longer available but she wanted to get me in 'just in case' it all falls through with this woman. Any way, i wasn't too bothered...the practice was very shabby compared to Aura (the previous job i have been offered)...and although she said she could make the unit left handed, the room was tiny and there is no way it could be left handed to suit my needs. I went home not really giving two hoots about the job being taken as i would have only turned it down if it was still on offer. I think I've been spoilt with how nice Aura was!

Gaz drove us up to point vernon to see the eagles nest - it would appear a family of crows has taken over? Not quite sure if the eagles have gone on holiday but 4 big black crows had their heads int he eagles nest. We carried on the drive in the search for the local kangaroos that we have seen grazing around peoples gardens. It wasn't looking too promising but gas drove past an opening to a field and i spotted one lying down. We went to inspect...there wasn't just one...we thought there were 4...then we saw more...then in the distance...hundreds. It was great to see so many wild kangaroos going about their business, letting us snap photos of them. Beautiful creatures.

After the kangaroo tour, we had a bbq over the road next to the beach. Mum and dad had picked a good selection of meats from the butchers and gas cooked it all - he would make his dad proud! A few BCB's (burnt crispy bits) but all cooked to perfection!

We have been sitting down at the picnic area for most of the night and have only now (9pm) retired to the comfort of our bedrooms. I think mum is sat on the balcony enjoying the warm evening in the fresh air. Tomorrow is meant to be even hotter than today and will be our last full day in hervey bay with mum and dad before we drive down to brisbane on thursday. Enjoy the pics!


  1. Sounds great. I think the fish with legs are mud skippers. Check out this link.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ps Love the pics especially the kangas and Gaz grinning like a Cheshire Cat!

    (Couldn't edit this post when I got it wrong so deleted & started again)

  4. Get again another nice post. Have a great time. Ian x
