Saturday 28 January 2012

Sunday 29th January - I'm back!

Apologies for the lack of blogging the past few days...time has flown by and i haven't had a chance to set my mind to writing the blog.

Thursday was Australia day so as it was a public holiday, people from work had arranged to meet on the beach for a breakfast bbq -Aussie style! We were meeting at 8am so Gaz was not best pleased being dragged out of bed at that hour and being pinned still so i could tie an aussie flag bandana around his head. We were surprised to see just how many people from work had turned up. Gaz bonded really well with some of the receptionists husbands who all took control of the bbq. We had the works - beans (cooked in the tin on the bbq), eggs, sausages, bacon....jacqui had bought champagne, orange juice...there was cake, croissants, fruit and more...the girls had hung aussie flags around the bbq area and everyone was told we had to dress aussie so we all had bandanas, hats, rub on tattoos of the aussie flag. It was great fun! So many people turned up and we were there till 11ish...some people stayed on later and carried on the drinking. The weather was dry (luckily) so it made it all the more enjoyable.

Friday and i was back in work. It had rained non-stop all night and carried on to rain for the whole of friday. We even got to leave work 15 minutes early because the river that surrounds our building was overflowing and peoples cars were getting progressively submerged in the water. The weather must have put a lot of people off coming because it was a really chilled and relaxed day.

Yesterday i put pictures of australia day up on Facebook and had an immediate message from one of the dentists, Amit, who requested a copy of all the photographs of him, his wife and his baby. He loved the photographs and said there were a few he wanted to get blown up to put on the wall. He was delighted with then so i popped an electronic copy of them all round to his house. Im really enjoying this photography business! i don't always like asking people for photographs at a party and i must admit that my favourite pics from australia day are the natural ones where people are not expecting the photograph and aren't necessarily looking at the camera. I spent the rest of saturday editing photographs from the holiday with mum and dad. In all i had taken 905 pictures (and thats AFTER deleting blurred images each day). The hardest part was deciding which ones were to make it into the album but after hours of flicking through them all, deleting pictures via process of elimination, i managed to get them down to 248 images.

today Gaz and i had a lie in and have packed because i am being sent to Gayndah (2 hours inland from hervey bay) to the middle of nowhere to work in a dental clinic there. i don't really want to go but as i don't have a choice, I'm just getting on with it! Gaz is coming with me and is going to be bored senseless. I will write the blog providing we can get internet out there! oh and congratulations to ian on catching that huge fish!!! great photo!

1 comment:

  1. So lax you're enjoying the photography. How long are you going to be away from Hervey Bay? Chris
