Tuesday 3 January 2012

Tuesday 3rd January - Day 1 bodyrocker challenge

Work was pretty busy today probably because people were trying to escape the heat from outside so thought they would turn up for their appointments in the air conditioned surgeries. 
Gaz did well on the computer but was a little drowsy after taking a sleeping tablet the night before.
This evening we both did the first of a 30 day bodyrocker challenge...the aim was to do 7 exercises, each one we had to do as many repetitions as we could for 50seconds before a 10 second rest and carrying on to do the next exercise. Overall it was 7 minutes of exercise which sounds like nothing, but believe me when you are going as fast as you can on each exercise, its hard! Gaz and i were both sweating after the 7 minutes. In 30 days we will do exactly the same drill to see if we have improved on the number of reps that we do. Bodyrocker website has also posted an eating plan...it will be difficult to follow it strictly when mum and dad are here but we will take the key aspects of it and try to follow them through for the 30 days. Gaz is doing the shop tomorrow, mainly for fruit and veg...oh and some salmon which he has informed me he will be vacating the room when i start cooking it as he hates the smell of fish. 

My eating plan for today hasnt been too bad....cereal, left over chilli for lunch and 2 weetbix is all ive had today...day 3 of no chocolate :( I dont drink, i dont smoke and i dont do drugs....but i do love chocolate! Am looking forward to my second bodyrocker challenge tomorrow! 

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