Monday 2 January 2012

Monday 2nd January - 2012 CHALLENGE

Gaz and i didnt get up till 9.30am today...bliss! Ive finally sorted out mum and dads trip and we are both very excited for their arrival this coming saturday! Gaz and i will be heading down friday so that i can raid the apple store for a new laptop and iphone...good times! We are then going to have all of saturday to shop aswell which gaz is very excited about...not. Infact Gaz wore the shirt mum bought him from hollister and the new jeans i bought him from NEXT for new year and he looked VERY smart!

Gaz played on the computer today...he did well. Im always limited as to how much info i can give away on the blog 'just in case' but overall hes making twice what im on!

I always like to have a challenge for the 2006 i travelled east coast of aus, in 2007 i travelled canada from Toronto through to Vancouver...2008 i did Italy (more of a holiday though)with mum and learnt to snowboard..2009 - i must have fallen asleep in this year? but i did get some more snowboarding in....2010 i climbed kilimanjaro and in 2011 i did the edinburgh marathon. So i need a new challenge for the year. I thought long and hard but if theres one thing thats bugging me right now, its my weight. I have recently come across a website called bodyrocker-tv and its an exercise programme to follow at home. It involves no gym membership, no fancy equipment and can all be done in the comfort of your own home. It has a different workout for each day that usually takes no more than 20 mins but its a very intense workout..the bodyrocker website is even putting together a full diet programme to follow for the month. At present im a size 10 but the more size 12 side of size aim is to drop to a size 8 - and the more size 6 side of size 8. Gaz says size 6 is too skinny so a small size 8 would be great! Ill be weighing myself every morning before work (around 7.15am). My current weight is 62KG.

Gaz has taken a before photo of me tonight...but its a little embarrassing so after 1 month i will put it up against a second photo showing my progress...this is my challenge for 2012 so i will keep going with it until i get to my desired weight/size. I started yesterday with eating healthy and have managed to carry it on through to today. As of tomorrow i will be following the body rocker diet. I will keep my own progress posted on this  blog. Gaz says hes going to do it with me...he wouldnt stand for a before photo though lol.

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