Monday 28 November 2011

Monday 28th November - Another sad day

I woke up this morning and got ready for work leaving gaz fast asleep. It was really sad to not be greeted by ian and chris at the dinner table this morning. Work was ok...had lots of compliments from patients today about my work which was great and the word has got around about Aura offering me the job so everyone is saying 'dont go we will miss you!' Even hannah, my dental nurse for today said..."your a really awesome dentist and ull be missed here"...which i thought was really sweet! Jackie is even planning a farewell party at her house and some big surprise for me that they have all been discussing. I dont see myself staying on at the Hervey Bay Dental Clinic past february. Its been great experience but i am young and it wouldnt be good to get tied into a job so early into my career. Ive actually been doing some research on the royal flying doctors...Liz printed off some stuff for me at my interview about it and said it is well worth doing for the experience. You get to visit outback places where you are the only dentist around for miles...there are a few people who have done it at the dental clinic and have all said how good it was. Something to consider!

Gaz didnt have a good day on the computer...i dont know if he is in the right frame of mind for it today as we are both still sad about ian and chris leaving. I keep reassuring him it wont be long till we are home to see them and we have a lot to look forward to before then!

Oh and gaz was proud of me today...i had a polish patient who came in demanding antibiotics. She was very rude and had had a tooth taken out by another dentist 3 days ago. Since then she says she has been in a lot of pain and was demanding i give her antibiotics. I had a look and she had a dry socket so i explained antibiotics would have no benefit and instead we would rinse the socket and pack with some alvygel (typical procedure for dry socket). She moaned and moaned 'what about the pain' i said well thats what the alvygel is for, just give it a chance to work. I WANT ANTIBIOTICS NOW! ...."umm no. im not giving you antibiotics." ...."SO YOU EXPECT ME TO WASTE MY TIME GETTING THEM FROM A GP?"....."i dont see why your gp should give you antibiotics, this is not a bacterial infection, this is a problem with the healing of the socket. You have bone exposed to the environment which is why it is painful. the blood clot has not formed properly. Antibiotics will do nothing." "BUT IVE HAD THIS BEFORE AND THE LAST DENTIST GAVE ME ANTIBIOTICS!" "well i cant comment on previous treatment as i wasnt there but i still am not giving you antibiotics." "GIVE ME PAINKILLERS THEN!" "no, you are already taking painkillers, you can buy them over the counter, just alternate the ibruprofen and panadine the alvygel will take the pain away." *patient continuously rolling her eyes at me* "SO YOUR NOT GIVING ME ANTIBIOTICS? THIS IS STUPID"....i pass the patient the therapeutic guidlines and highlight the line that states "dry socket - antibiotics are of no benefit" At which point she waves her hands in the air and storms out of the room. Stupid bitch...i love being right though! :D

Gaz and i have had our last day of binge eating and tomorrow is day 1 of diet and exercise!


  1. Day 1 of diet and exercise wow sounds like an exciting few months for u both:) hope ur both ok after mum and dad have left, any ideas whot u would like for xmas
    huw x x

  2. Day 1 of diet and exercise starts next week for us. There's lots of interesting eating here in Singapore but at least the portion sizes are smaller than Aus!

    Chris x
