Wednesday 2 November 2011

Wednesday 2nd November - Hogs Breath Cafe

It was nice waking up this morning and having someone downstairs to talk to. Ian was wide awake and enjoying a cup of tea and his ipad in the kitchen when i went down for cereal. Chris wasnt long joining us leaving Gaz in bed fast asleep. 

Chris and Ian were going to go whale watching today but when they turned up for it, it had been cancelled but the woman had failed to ring them to let them annoying! Ian has bought a fishing rod so that he and gaz can go fishing tomorrow.

Work went well and i managed another surgical of a horizontally impacted wisdom tooth on a guy...did it all by myself so i am very chuffed. After work Gaz and i joined chris and ian out on the esplanade and strolled over to the beach and Chris took some lovely photographs of the lorikeets in the trees. It wasnt long before we headed out for some grub at 'the hogs breath cafe'...this is the same chain restaurant that gaz and i went to in noosa where the service was awful....but i have to admit, this was a completely different atmosphere at the one in hervey bay. They are famous for their slow cooked steaks (18 hours of cooking) and the meat was beautiful. The staff were friendly, service and food both excellent and the company top notch. Full bellied we rolled home (not literally) and settled on the sofa. Gaz and I are tired so have come up to bed but chris and ian have coped very well with the jetlag and are still awake downstairs! 

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely evening. Excellent company, excellent food, and as for pocket rocket and candy. Nuff said. Ian x
