Wednesday 30 November 2011

Wednesday 30th November - Bara Brith

Gaz and i are on day 2 of our healthy eating...the exercise bit hasnt quite happened yet! We have had 2 weetabix for breaky, a pita bread with a bit of flavoured dip for lunch and a piece of meat for din dins. Tonight we had chicken on skewers in satay sauce...delicious! For a little treat we have an ice pop out the freezer...all 48 calories of it! Because we are doing it together, it is making it a lot easier to stick to the diet. Ive found that because im not eating lots of junk food, im drinking a lot more water which is great! My exercise for the past 2 nights has been on the pole which is in the slowly getting my strength back but i forgot how much fun it was! im nearly able to do all the moves that i used to be able to do...and im getting the calus' back on my hands...the joys!

Gaz is currently looking up a bbq beef recipe. Ive told him its probs easier just to buy the sauce but hes insistent on making it sure it will taste amazing.  n e way, enough about food...

Work is going ok...ive applied for the royal flying doctors just incase i need something to fill the time between ending my contract at the dental clinic and starting my private job in Aura. I told my boss today i had been offered a job somewhere and he is the sort of person where if u have climbed a mountain, hes climbed one ten times higher. His response was " oh ok, we've filled your position any way. Hes had 16 years experience and specialises in peads and ortho." i was like oh ok...i said i was going to try for a place with the royal flying doctors....his response to that was "oh i did that a few years back, you wont get a job in that now. they are looking for their own dentists, they wont recruit you at this youve got to be able to cope with turbulence, you can be chucked 50ft up into the air. And theres the stress of not finishing on time and being left behind at whatever place you are in...the plane wont wait for you." ...sometimes you just want to stick your finger up at him but i just nod and smile and imagine him hanging from a tree eating a banana.

Gaz has moved up a level on the computer and the past 2 days hasnt gone too well but im sure he can turn it around!

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