Saturday 19 November 2011

Sunday 20th November - On call, A and E

Yesterday we enjoyed a bit of a lie in. I have recently purchased an 'x stage lite' as pole dancing is much more widely accepted out here and not thought of as some seedy night club thing but more of a fitness workout. The 'x stage lite' is a pole attached to a base and does not require a ceiling, therefore i have it positioned in the garden! I havent tried any pole dancing for 18months so i was keen to see how much i could still do...the answer is not a lot. It is amazing how much my upper body strength has declined and ive also lost the hard skin in the places that rub like on your hands and feet. It was hard work when the sun came out and it was heating up the metal causing my feet to burn therefore this is something im going to have to do early morning (before work) or late evening, after work. Gaz played on the computer and did well.

In the afternoon we fell asleep...gaz for half hour, myself for 3 hours (oops!). I was going to attempt some more pole moves in the evening but my skin was raw and peeling on my hands and feet. We enjoyed a lovely meal at the boat club but had to wait an hour for a table because it was so busy so Gaz dragged me over to the  pokies...i said ill choose the machine and he can press the buttons but in the end i did both and won 9 AUD profit before being buzzed over to get our table. When we got home we watched 'willow'...i forgot how much i liked that film!

This morning i was up early to go riding. My arms and shoulders are in agony from pole dancing yesterday so im going to try some moves this evening when the sun has gone down! I left Gaz in bed and reached Lisas ready for a 9am ride. There were 6 of us going out today. Myself on Buddy and some of Lisa's friends on their own horses. We rode 15 minutes into the outback and were planning to be gone a while. Unfortunately my on call phone went off...a 12 month little boy had fallen and smacked his front teeth on a table. The doctor working at the hospital wasnt entirely sure what needed to be done so i said i would be there as soon as i could. I had to leave the ride early and rode Buddy back to the field. I thought he would put up a fight about leaving the other horses but he was so well behaved, he did exactly as i asked and carried me safely back to the paddock where i quickly untacked him and forced some carrots att him before running back to the car. I drove back to the house, by which point gaz was up and getting ready to play on the computer. I  got changed and rushed straight to the hospital. A very anxious mother was holding a baby in her arms and when i lifted up his lip, he screamed the place down. His central baby tooth was lying out of the socket and was being held in by a piece of gum. We ended up having to IV sedate the kid so i could get the tooth out. The poor thing. I reassured the mother that these things happen because i think she felt really guilty as he had been under her supervision and she turned her back for a second to answer the phone. They seemed a nice family...but at least it wasnt his adult tooth!

I will get paid quite a lot for the 2 hours i spent at the hospital so i am going to buy buddy something nice as an apology for ruining his ride! its such a shame, i was really looking forward to it! Gaz and i have been asleep for the past 2 hours so we are slowly waking up so that we can go and have a nice bbq by the beach. The weather again is hot and sunny...i could really get used to this!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, what a shame., especially as you've not ridden while we were there. Hope you enjoyed the bbq. We've had our first rain this morning and temperatures of 19 degrees, quite a shock after it being 33 yesterday! Enjoy your week of peace and quiet till we come back to disturb it on Friday ;) Chris xx
