Sunday 27 November 2011

sunday 27th November - i hate goodbyes

It was so sad this morning saying goodbye to chris and ian. I had a riding lesson at 9 and we planned to be gone for 2 hours so i hadnt intended on seeing chris and ian when i got when they were still present on my return, we had a second final farewell. Gaz and I have had the best month since being out here and we have done so much with chris and ian....fraser island, moreton island, bbq's by the beach, eating out along the esplanade and of course gaz got to spend quality time fishing with ian and chris who was always present taking photos. Its been lovely having them to stay and i will miss ian and chris' face at the breakfast table when i come down in the mornings before work. Gaz has been really quiet today and didnt play on the computer...instead he slept for a few hours.

I had a great riding lesson. 6 of us went out together on the horses and buddy was great as always. We spotted lots of wild kangaroos but one poor male kangaroo had injured his leg and couldnt skip...he fell over  few times with his legs int he air and struggled to get back up so we diverted the ride away from him. Poor thing wont last long out there like that!

As gaz was having a quiet day in the house i thougrht id go buy a little christmas tree. Its fibre optic from 'the reject' shop...cost me £10 in all plus another £10 for all the decs to put on it. Also picked up 2 little stockings for gaz and i and some santa hats which i have told gaz he HAS to wear it on christmas day...he doesnt look too impressed. ive put all our little pressents from the parents under the tree...looks very is a photo of it!

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