Friday 7 October 2011

Friday 7th October

Last night we went out for food as Gaz wanted to have a roast dinner. We drove to the boat club and by the time we got there, he had decided he was going to have a pasta dish instead, leaving me with the roast. It was a bit disappointing as the only veg were green beans, lots of meat, a strange looking roast potato and didnt really fill me up so we were really really naughty and went to the ice cream  parlor...and no, its not even cheat day. I had waffles with maple syrup and ice cream...gaz had his usual hokey pokie ice cream. It was naughty but tasted great!

I have had some trouble still getting my radiation licence as they are still not accepting my Cardiff University BDS and are failing to realise it IS THE SAME as BDS Wales just that the name has changed. I spoke to a really arsy woman yesterday who basically started reading out the letter i had been sent. I asked what she was doing? "im reading you the letter we sent you." I was so annoyed at this point i told her i could read and i know what is being asked of me but that they were out of order making me do extra training to take x rays when i already have the equivalent of the BDS Wales and that they were out of date. She didnt help me at all and made me really agitated. I rung up today and some other woman answered who was a bit more helpful. She said she would try and sort something but she said they have lost my file...she also said she would ring me back once she had found my file...i never got rung back.

Work was long and tiring but managed to get through it and now its the weekend - yay! We have had some people move in to the 2 houses opposite...they have nicked our parking spot so we are a little peeved. Gaz was on watch today to move into the space when they left but unfortunately their car hasnt moved all day.

We went for a drive down one of the side roads and came across a really lovely tapas bar. The food was excellent, all prepared and cooked fresh on the premises...we were naughty again and had desert! but we couldnt resist as it all looked so amazing. Im going to become a fatty if im not careful :(


  1. Could you get confirmation from Cardiff of the name change and equivalence of your qualifications? Might be worth keeping the car in the garage. Our friend in Brisbane says in the summer they get HUGE hailstones that can dent cars!
    Chris x

  2. don't get stressed over parking life is to short! Yes Chris we have seen the hailstones bummer when you are on
