Saturday 1 October 2011

Saturday 1st October - Maryborough

I woke up at 8am to start the washing (how sad does that sound!). After having all our visitors last weekend, the sheets all need cleaning, on top of which i washed the towels and clothes. At 10am i had a riding lesson. I took Lisa a nice bottle of red wine (recommended to me by the guy in the liquor store) and also a big bag of carrots for the horses as a thank you for taking me home after my last lesson. When i turned up at 10am, lisa said i could take Buddy off for a ride on my own. It was good fun, she obviously trusts me enough to let me go off...again, it isnt so much of a lesson, just a chance to get on a horse and ride for an hour! Buddy wasnt too keen on leaving the other horses but he listened to me and did everything i asked of him. Lisa says next week she will let me ride her horse (although i can never remember the name of her horse!) but shes a bit more crazy than Buddy so should be a good challenge!

Back at home, Gaz was playing on the computer so i cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. We then went to a hair dressers on the esplanade so that Gaz could get his hair cut. Im not letting anyone touch my hair just yet as i dont want it any shorter! Afterwards, we went for a drive over to 'River Heads' an area SE of Hervey Bay. There is a ferry crossing here to take you over to Fraser Island but also a community is developing. People here seem to buy a plot of land and then design their own house to plant on top of it as every house was unique in its own way. Some houses looked amazing and others looked like a tragic attempt at being modern. River Heads didnt really take us long to drive around so instead we took the Bruce Highway down to Maryborough. For a Saturday afternoon, this place was like a ghost town! We must have seen about 5 people the whole time we were there.Maryborough is the birth place of P.L. Travers, the author of Mary Poppins...hence the Mary Poppins statue we had our picture next to. The whole town is like going back into an early Western Movie. The buildings are old, some quite impressive, but there are bars on every corner, none of which were open. The park was very scenic, with strange artistic statues scattered around, some very random. We didnt stay more than an hour, mainly because we had seen everything in that hour so drove back to Hervey Bay. We must have both been shattered because we fell asleep for 2 hours but awoke just in time to catch the last 20 mins of the England/Scotland rugby find scotland were winning 12-3!

After a yummy subway, we spotted some wild possums being fed by some kids. The possums were so cute!

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