Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wednesday 19th October - baking = FAIL!

i was up at 6am today and went for a 30minute cardio session at the gym...go me! Gaz was still in bed when i got home and ready for work. I bought a new cake cook book today and let Gaz pick which delicious sounding cake he would like me to make....he went for the caramel cupcake. Off i popped to woolworths and picked up all the needed ingredients. I never knew baking could be so stressful! put it this way...i made a complete pigs ear out of it! Firstly i didnt know how long i was meant to be cooking the sugar and water for to make the caramel and got rather worried when it all started sticking to the pan so i got Gaz down to lend a hand. Big bits of sugar remained unmelted....then i thought id salvage the bits that HAD melted....only it solidified as soon as it touched the cake mixture?! i dont understand how the caramel is meant to mix into the mixture...i got extremely stressed and very angry and ended up wacking in any ingredient...not measuring anything and just having had enough of it all. the cake mixture tasted ok but didnt manage to rise....they looked more like yorkshire puddings. these cakes certainly arent going in to work 2moz and will just about make it to the bin! this weekend i think ill start by mastering the simplest of cupcakes....and purchase some weighing scales and a proper whisk. ill go back to my recipe i used at home as i know it works! anyone got any tips?! perhaps maybe not seems cheaper to just buy them ready made these days!

Gaz has had a rubbish day on the computer again but also made it to the gym. 


  1. Oh dear, not your best day! I can't help with the cup cakes, never used to make them but scales sound a good idea. Loaf cakes are a lot easier. Better luck next time. chris x

  2. Oh dear and I can just imagine the mess! Better luck next time. Well done on getting to the gym. xx
