Saturday 8 October 2011

Saturday 8th October - Wales vs Ireland

Boooooo my horse riding lesson was cancelled. I left sunny Pialba and drove further and further towards the dark black angry looking clouds. By the time i got to my riding lesson in Booral, i had entered the start of the storm. Four people were having a lesson before me and got absolutely soaked from the heavy rain and the horses battled agains tthe strong wind, dodging buckets that blew towards them. I braved getting out of the car to speak to Lisa who said to hang around to see if the storm passed. Sadly it only got worse. After 20 minutes we decided to call it a day and i had a very dangerous drive home. I did think about waiting a while for the storm to pass but i looked on my phone at the met office to see the storm pattern and it appeared it was only going to get worse and the longer i hung around in Booral (20 minutes from home) the more the roads may flood. One of the main roads to get from Pialba to Booral is a high flood risk road so i knew if i was going to be leaving, i should leave as soon as possible. The drive home was horrible because even with headlights on, i couldnt see much. Cars over here for some stupid reason dont have back windscreen wipers so i was driving slow and only knew someone was up my arse when i squinted in the mirror to see two little lights shining back at me. I pulled over to let the car past and he sped past me at full speed. By the time i got around the corner and further up the road, he had collided with someone and was stood on the side of the road checking the damage to the  poor victims bonnet. I was very glad to get home. Looking like a drowned rat i headed straight for the shower to warm up a bit and listened to the thunder and watched the lights in the bathroom twitching to a dim light every now and then as the lightening striked.

Gaz played on the computer today and i slept. The rain was so heavy, i didnt fancy driving to the gym. Gaz and i thought we would watch the wales vs ireland match in an irish pub - brave or stupid? We picked a seat in front of the tv screen and we sat with our bottles of coke zero and a little stuffed VJ next to us in her little wales hoody. It was nice to see one other welsh girl in the pub, surrounded by at least 100 irish supporters. Whenever ireland had the ball or did something good the place roared with encouragement...whenever wales had the ball i didnt want to show my excitement too much incase i got lynched. Gaz and i cheered the welsh tries...and the girl on the opposite side of the room gave the odd WOOP! and everyone else in the room glared daggers at us. One very annoying woman sat behind me laughed when priestland missed a few penalties...bit rude i thought. At the end of the match i could breathe a sigh of relief to see the final score 22-10 to wales. The pub was silent but i cheered. The annoying woman came to shake our hands? and some old irish guy came over to congratulate us on how well we played! Gaz and i basked in the glory and agreed yes it was a good match, didnt we play well ...and took all the credit for how well the guys on the pitch played.

We went back to the flat to watch the england vs france game...i fell asleep cuddling a pillow. I woke up and we went to get food...i had a chocolate bar and gaz had some ice cream...again! going to watch a film now. well done wales!

1 comment:

  1. That's rugby for you. Life or death while playing, and friends afterwards. You cant beat it. Ian x
