Monday 3 October 2011

Monday 3rd October - Mundane Monday

No blog was written yesterday (sunday) because nothing really happened other than Gaz got up to play on the computer...i got up to hang some washing on the line and then fell back asleep until 2.30pm! We then went to the Hervey Bay Hotel to watch the wales vs fiji only the sound was off on the screen showing the match and the middle aged men surrounding the bar had really foul language that was  uncomfortable to listen we decided to move over to Hoolihans (the irish pub). The pub was very busy however, despite the array of 'watch the world cup live here' advertisements, spread on banners all over the pub ceiling, they ironically werent showing the wales v fiji match! I said to a waitress 'excuse me are you showing the wales match?' "ummm i dunno, it aint on till later." she replied. "um no, its on now?" i corrected her. She didnt seem sure and told me i was wrong so i explained we have been watching the match in another pub before coming here. "oh ok." she said and gave an awkward shuffle away from my table and disappeared into the crowd, never to be seen again. So we didnt get to see the end of the game but we did enjoy a steak sandwich.

In the evening we went to the gym and did half hour of cardio which was great as the gym was empty. Poor Gaz came out in his weird reaction thing he gets which he thinks he has pin pointed down to temperature change. He comes out in hives all over his body which become really itchy...we headed straight home and as we didnt have any anti histamines, we doused him in tiger balm. He spent the rest of the night wearing my dressing gown - very fetching!

Work went well today and the plan was to get to the gym but Gaz was still a little bit itchy from yesterdays reaction so we will go tomorrow instead. We have been watching 'Limitless'...what a load of poo.

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