Monday 23 April 2012

Monday 23rd April - first day riding angie

Yesterday it rained all day and was pretty much the same all day today too! I was up the stables yesterday to do some more ground work with Angie. I went to the horse shop to get her a bridle...there are 3 sizes - pony, cob and full. I got her a cob thinking it would be ample but no, the size of her head is deceiving. I had to cut the labels off to get the bridle part so i could try it on her so i didn't think they would exchange it...but they did! She now has a full sized bridle which fits her perfectly. Today i went and got her some horse feed. She now has some loupins to fatten her up, some chaf which is a bulk feed with lots of fibre, a hors emix with some seeds and barley to keep it interesting, some garlic and some vitamins. She's one lucky horse!

I fetched her front he field. As i called to her and she saw me coming, she started walking over to the gate to meet me. She seems to be really enjoying all the work. I did some ground work on her in the pouring rain and then Ellen gave me a lesson. We put the saddle on her and lunged her before i got on. She had a flighty few minutes in canter so we made sure we tired her out before i got on her. I only did a walk on her but was doing lots of circling and changing rein (changing direction) to get her to supple her neck and listen to my hand and leg aids. I am learning so much with ellen and Angie was so lovely to ride! she listened to everything that i asked of her and she was very soft in the mouth and didn't pull back on my reins.  To reward her for all the effort she had put in to the schooling lesson and also to fatten her up, she had a big feast in her feed bucket! She made me laugh because i was stood int he field watching her eat her feed. When she got to the end of the food int he bucket, she picked the bucket up with her teeth and moved it over to the side so she could get at the bits she dropped on the floor. So very cute! She also has her lovely new canvas rug on - thanks to chris and ian who offered to buy it for her as a birthday present. thanks guys it looks lovely on her! Ellen is very impressed with the style and quality of the rug that she's going to get some for her own horses!

Meanwhile gaz has been playing on the computer. Yesterday gaz had a very good day at poker. He hasn't done much else to talk about other than the other night when he went fishing he managed to catch a few fish, one of which was big enough to bring home so he cut its head off and gave it to our next door neighbour, jack who was very grateful. Gaz has rung a kayak company who has a kayak he disinterested in in stock so he's going to pick that up some time this week..but for 20AUD they will deliver it which will be easier!

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