Saturday 14 April 2012

Saturday 13th April - a new edition to the family!

In work yesterday i received a missed call. It was a very unexpected call but it was from Ellen the lady that owns the horse stables where i have my riding lessons. A few weeks ago, Ellen had asked if i was interested in a mare who had been left by the girl who had her on loan. I said i was interested but by the time Ellen got in touch with the girl to let her know, she said she already had someone to come and take the horse. The weeks have gone by and the mare is still there! So Ellen was ringing to see if i was still interested. I thought i best check with Gaz first as i knew i would get a level headed opinion...he seems to think its my money, i have the time and she will be looked after at Ellens yard so if i was happy to take her on, its my choice. Yippee! I rung Ellen and said id like a 2 week trial period to see if i get on with the horse. After work yesterday evening i went straight up the yard where i got Ellen to give me a lesson in lunging the horse. This horse has been left in a field with no rug (she ripped hers weeks ago and the girl never bothered to bring up a new one) and has not been ridden since november. She has a fat belly but you can see her ribs. Poor thing. She's about 15.1 hh i think...ill have to measure her some time! I learnt so much from Ellen in the lunging session. Angie (the name of the horse...short for andromeder something...her racing name) had a few little bucks when we put a roller on her back...Ellen said its best i lunge her for a week or two to get her used to being worked again and get all the energy out of her! She sped around and around but eventually settled in to it...i can see a lot of potential int his horse! I went up to see her again after work today...i had intended to bath her but being a saturday, patients kept turning up with emergencies! I didn't get out till 2.30. I went to buy Angie a new rug (she looks posh as in that thing!) and gave her a lunge for half hour. She was like a different horse! She saw me coming to get her in from the field and she walked to the gate to meet me! She's so cute...she enjoyed a nice brush and she was like a different horse when lunging her! she went beautifully. I must take some before photos so that in a few months i can get some after photos and show the difference...shes going to look amazing!

Work was very busy today but i really enjoyed it. I had my pay cheque a few days ago which was a beauty so its been a good boost to working hard. Gaz's day didn't go so well on the computer...but he's going to come and meet Angie on monday :D


  1. Sounds really good, even if I don't fully understand how a loan horse deal works. Does she have one for Gaz?! Ian x

  2. Good that the pay check lived up to expectations! :)
