Saturday 21 April 2012

Saturday 21st April - Night fishing

Yesterday i had a busy day in work which is great because the busier i am, the more money i make! i have now finally got around to sorting out my income protection too which i felt would be a wise move, especially now with all the horse riding I'm doing. Im also insured incase i have a needlestick injury or if i loose my hand or anything else that would stop me working (god forbid!).

I went up to see Angie after work today...shes so cute! i tied her up and another girl tied her horse up next to her so angie and the other horse were nosing one another. the girl was very friendly but kept trying to talk to me..i feel a bit bad because she was very lovely but i just didn't really want to talk...i wanted to concentrate on angie. I took angie in the schooling ring and she worked very nicely and did what she was told. The girl was still plaiting her horses mane and asked if we could take the horses back to their paddocks together...her horse kept stopping to eat grass. Ive taught angie better than that but she was getting a little frustrated that we had to wait for this horse all the time! The girl was fussing about with a rug in the field so i told her i was off and going home. I don't want to get too pally with the girls up the yard as i know horsey people are strange and I'm more than happy being on my own with angie...a little anti social i know!

When i got home gaz had cooked a beautiful pork belly ...the crackling on top smelt and tasted amazing! the meat was very moist and was cooked to perfection...clever chap! Gaz has now gone night fishing to see if he can catch any thing so thats given me a chance to blitz the house which has got a bit messy since I've been so obsessed with the horse! Hopefully gaz is safe and having fun!

Gaz and i have also booked a surf lesson next weekend. Unfortunately it is the end of the surfing season here so we won't be able to go again for a few months unless we hire out our own stuff. Gaz is currently in the process of finding a kayak to keep him entertained.

Nanny, as you haven't seen these photos is Angie!

                                                        Very underweight!

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