Thursday 26 April 2012

Thursday 26th April - Kayak

Gaz has today been and bought a kayak! We have gone halves on it but i don't think ill have much time to use if it meant it will get him out of the house I'm more than happy to put some money towards it! Its nice to see him excited about something so hopefully this can be his new hobby and help keep him fit. He is having it delivered tomorrow so he should be able to use it on the weekend...lets hope the weathers nice!

I had a riding lesson on angie yesterday. It was ANZAC day so we had a public holiday therefore no work! yippee! It was a very windy day so all the horses were a little spooked. I was lunging angie in the round arena and in the arena opposite a girls horse had run loose and was galloping around the arena like a maniac! Angie took no notice and carried on going about our training session. A horse was then being unloaded from a hors box next to where i was schooling angie...again, angie paid no attention to the horse. I got on Angie and began riding her...Ellens horse had run onto the road (it barged past Ellens husband with a wheelbarrow and was running around on the road almost giving ellen a heart attack!)...the horse in the field next to Angie started bucking and rearing in a mad frenzy...again, this would have been a great opportunity for Angie to get all spooked but she didn't bat an eyelid...she kept listening to what i was asking of her. Ellen has had me working on circles with angie to get her flexing. We are trying to ease her in to giving her nose to give that nice rounded shape you see typical of dressage horses. She is learning slowly - it takes a lot of neck muscle to do it for a long time but she will get there! I began trotting her...she was so tired by the time i finished with her! She saw me dishing the feed out into her bucket and gave a little neigh of excitement. She is very gentle and i carried the bucket to her field, leading her next to me and not once did she try and steal the feed from  the bucket. She has lots of manners! I gave her the day off today so i didn't go up to see her. Hopefully it will make her all the more excited to see me tomorrow! i have taken the afternoon off work so i can go and buy her a saddle with the money mum and dad gave me for my birthday. She's going to look so smart! can't wait to get riding her again tomorrow.

Work was very busy..had two very difficult extractions...i got the teeth out in the end, just took a little while. Im still enjoying work here...its nice looking forward to going to work!

Gaz hasn't played on the computer today but is currently downloading the apprentice episode for the week. We enjoy watching it and seeing how stupid they all are - its one of those irritating yet addictive tv shows.

1 comment:

  1. Not the apprentice!!! It was a lovely blog post until then. Ian x
