Tuesday 24 April 2012

Tuesday 24th April

Gaz has had a really good day on the computer again so he is back to his winning streaks after a month of not doing very well. He seems to have got his confidence back and is definitely happier for it. Work was really bad today...my root canal went awful and one woman whose husband has parkinsons was very rude to me. I have met them both before in my first week. She wheeled her husband in today and i asked what we were doing for him and she gave me a very smarmy laugh and said 'well you should know.' i said that when they booked the appointment, the girls on desk had written 'pt needs fills' but i wasn't sure which teeth. The woman said "well your the one who told us to come back to have the fillings, how can you not know?" i said very calmly that i see a lot of patients each day and it has been a while since i have seen the patient so i can't be expected to know off the top of my head whats going on! luckily i write good notes so it was all there as to what needed doing. the poor guy has parkinsons, can't even put his denture in and out and has 6 teeth on the bottom that are so engrossed in plaque that you can smell it from a metre away when he opens his mouth. His wife obviously isn't helping him brush his teeth...she dumped him in the dental chair and went shopping so i couldn't say any thing to her. He's a lovely chap too...god knows how he puts up with her!

This evening gaz came up to see Angie with me. I didn't finish work till 5.30 so we drove up in the dark. She left her hay and got all excited to see me...i feel so loved! gaz had a little pat and a stroke of her. I gave her a lunge with the saddle on before getting on her. Gaz was very impressed how well she listened to my voice commands. She trotted when i asked for a trot, cantered when i asked for the canter and walked when i asked. She stood still swell when i asked but that took a little more encouragement. 10 minutes into the lunging session and i felt ready to get on her. She stood very patiently when i got on and off. She listened to everything i asked of her...we worked on circling her in the walk as we did in the lesson with ellen yesterday. Angie has a very soft mouth so doesn't pull on the bit at all. Some horses try and pull the reins out of your hands but angie does none of this. She stood dead still as soon as i asked her to and walked when i want her to. She was very very good tonight, i am very pleased. She has come on such a long way since i took her on only 10 days ago! After the ride she had another big feed which she enjoyed. Gaz and i couldn't believe how cold it was! He was so cold he had to go sit in the car. Luckily angie has her canvas rug on but if it gets any colder, she can have her warmer rug on! She also had her second dose of worming tonight which she didn't approve of. It went everywhere and she somehow got it all up my arm!

For dinner gaz and i went to Diggers only I'm starting to notice more and more patients around the place and its horrible! i wish i had a disguise for going to public places in...maybe a bag over my head? Anzac day tomorrow...day off from work and another lesson on Angie!

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