Saturday 25 February 2012

Saturday 25th Feb - Leaving party

Ive had a great day! We woke up to the pouring rain at 9am and headed over to the botanical gardens for regardts 'surprise' birthday party...only it wasn't much of a surprise as i had ruined it a few days earlier...but still, all the same, SURPRISE! It was good fun and other work colleagues turned up as well as a few other people they know from their kids kindergarten class. Lynette (regards wife) had had a cake made was laid on a bbq area with a nice table cloth and table decorations as well as some healthy water melon on a plate. We sang happy birthday and the cake was cut....half hour later we smelt burning. One of the kids had pressed the button to turn on the bbq so the water melon was now cooked and the plastic table cloth and plates were all melting on to the bbq. Oops. Luckily the cake was to the right of the bbq hot plate.

We were only planning to spend an hour at the morning picnic but we were there until 12.30! time sure did fly. We got back to the house and went upstairs where we relaxed on the bed and watched tv. It wasn't long before i had to get ready for party number 2 at jacquis house. the theme was 'cutesy' so i had my cinderella costume at the ready!

The party was so much fun. Gaz stayed for the first hour and sampled some of jacquis husbands cooking...he laid on quite a spread, all cooked from tasted amazing! There were about 10 of us there...some people from work couldn't make it so i will be seeing them tomorrow for a bbq by the beach. The party was awesome but really sad to be saying goodbye to people who have become a family out here.   They even bought me a little gift...a very nice necklace and a kangaroo teddy and joey. they said the teddy was a joke to do with the kangaroo massacre i had been part of...just something to remember hervey bay by! I didn't want the evening to end but sadly it came and went so quickly :( Tomorrow we have the cleaners coming and the car will be all packed up.

I have also spent the day tamping over thinking mum had given my mirror away! Turns out the photo she sent was of the NEWLY WALLPAPERED bedroom in the house which happens to be in adams old bedroom. I thought she had given it away to adam! So i rung her up to give her a piece of my mind to be told i had the wrong end of the stick and then i felt stupid. sorry mum.

Anyway, here is a picture of my outfit for the evening...

Friday 24 February 2012

Friday 24th February - Hot stone massage

For christmas gaz had got me a hot stone massage from the spa down the road. i had booked it in for today...perfect timing having finished at work. it was a great way to relax for 90 minutes. The little thai lady giving the massage really dug her thumbs in to my shoulders, it felt great. She said i had lots of knots there (probably from taking teeth out and sitting doing fillings). The 90 minutes went fast but no rest for the wicked...i was then off to find a fancy dress costume for my leaving party tomorrow night. The fancy dress shop in hervey bay is where i got my little pumpkin outfit for halloween so i knew i would find a good outfit to fit the 'cutesy' theme. I sifted through the many outfits, pulling out a dorothy dress from the wizard of oz. Unfortunately the lady had already given out the basket with TOTO (the dog) in ...and i didn't have any ruby coloured shoes so i thought it best not to go as her. instead, i pulled out a cinderella dress. Perfect. I tried it on and it fit and i knew i had shoe si could wear with it. The lady pulled out some long white gloves and a tiara...and I've even got a blonde wig! Cinderella shall go to her leaving party...

Gaz has played on the computer which went very up and down but ended on a positive! He cooked me a curry which tasted yummy...i think the curries are his signature dish now.

I've repacked the boot of the car, now fitting in more than i did last night...its a bit like a game of tetris trying to fit it all in. We have dismantled the boxing stand and all the gym equipment is ready to be piled on to the back seats...but we can't load that yet until sunday when we come back from our bbq as we don't want people seeing what we have on the back seats. Only 3 nights left in hervey bay...

Thursday 23 February 2012

Thursday 23rd february - Last day at work

Last night gaz and i were very naughty - we didn't do a work out nor did we stick to our diet plan...we ate cake, chocolate AND sweets! shame on us.

Today was my last day in work which was really sad. Regardt gave a little speech about how I've been great fun to work with, how i will go far in the future and also how i am welcome to come back to hervey bay dental clinic any time to work. He then made ME give a speech which i was NOT prepared for! "i left one family back in the uk and have made another, here, with you guys." *cue sick buckets* haha.

The day went really quick as i was busy all day with emergency patients...i feel like superwoman today! At the end of the day they gave me a goodbye card but i couldn't read it until i got back to the house as i knew i would get all emotional. They wrote some lovely messages in it. I said my farewells to some of the girls but most of them i will be seeing on saturday night for my leaving party at jacqui's house. Some of the other guys i will see in the park on sunday for a farewell bbq.

Meanwhile, Gaz has had a busy day. The guy came to 'clean' the blinds...i use this term loosely as the guy apparently came and went all within 5 minutes. Gaz hadn't even finished unloading the dishwasher and he was gone! He came in, removed a mark on the blind with his finger nail and then wrote a bill for $40. What a rip off! and this was the guy recommended to us by the landlord. What a joke! i thought he would take the blinds down and clean the properly...but nope.

Then the guy came to clean the carpets...we have lovely clean smelling carpets now. that was $115. This moving house business is expensive! Gaz also had a disagreement with the landlord who is being a bit of a pain in the arse...they have known for 2 weeks that we are leaving on monday and have a long drive ahead of us. They won't give us a time as to when on monday they will come and give the inspection. the landlord is saying that the 'advert' for the property has to be written before they do the inspection?! and they don't know what time the advert will have been written by?!! what a load of s**t. So anyway, we arentl leaving hervey bay until they have done the inspection as we don't want them to say 'oh this isn't clean' and then charge us for having to get someone in to do it.

Tonight gaz and i have been to the boat club for one last meal. We finally got our membership cards (horray!) and now we will never use them again lol. We ate far to much. When we got back i decided to see how much i could fit in the boot. Gaz left me to it as he is very negative about what will fit and what won't and everything is 'an issue'. I called him down to have a look at the boot to see just how much i had fit in (all very pleased with myself) and all he does is criticise and state the obvious 'have you tried closing the boot yet?'....OF COURSE I HAVE! i think gaz should leave the packing to me and he can inspect it all when I'm determined to make everything fit!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Tuesday 21st february - lightning storm!

Whilst i write this, outside is the most amazing thunder and lightning storm i have ever seen! it has been going on for over an hour now and the lightning is every 3 seconds, lighting up the night sky. The thunder is rumbling louder than gazs belly (which is saying something!) and the rain is pounding against the tin roof. So cosy in here!

Today has been one hell of a day. Gaz has had an ok day on the computer and has been downloading tv episodes for us to watch down in forster next week. Hopefully we will be too busy to be sat inside watching tv but it will be nice to snuggle up in bed and fall asleep to something like i usually do!

Work was manic. i had an italian guy come in who i tried taking a tooth out on. 20 minutes into trying to dig this tooth out, i couldn't get the tooth to move AT ALL so for the first time ever since working at hervey bay, i had to 'go green'. AKA prepare for a surgical. I basically had to cut this guys gums open to drill away bone so i could wiggle the tooth out but it all has to be done under sterile conditions. I eventually got the tooth out (it was all pretty straight forward once i started the surgical) but this tooth had a curved root with a big bulbous (ball like) end to it. The guy didn't help much during the procedure emoting 'this is taking to long', and 'can we just leave it where it is, i have to go shopping.' What an arse. i was proud i got the thing out by myself...even if the patient wasn't all that grateful. My next patient was a PLANNED surgical. He had an impacted lower wisdom tooth so having had lots of practice by now, i made the incision, removed the bone, sectioned the tooth, elevated the tooth out and sutured all by myself, all within an hour. i was very chuffed with myself! And the guy was a little more appreciative...afterall, if he wanted to wait for the oral surgeon to take this tooth out, he would have been waiting 2 years...with me doing it, he waited 1 week. He can't complain!
The next patient was some silly old bat who didn't even know what medication she was on and couldn't read the medical history form so i had to fill it out with her. 'do you have any thyroid problems?' i asked....'what do you mean by that?' she this point, i had had enough 'if you don't know what it is then you don't have it!' i said...and we left it at that. The next question 'do you have high of low blood pressure?'.....'no my blood pressure is normal, thats why I'm on medication for it.'.....i didn't bother arguing with her, she was on an antihypertensive drug so i just circled the high blood pressure. She then couldn't remember if she had any stomach problems.
My last patient was a pleasant surprise. She was a woman who i first saw 1 month ago who was so nervous, she stood at my surgery door and burst into tears. She had her friend with her who had to coax her in to my room. The woman had had a previous bad experience with a dentist which meant she hadn't had the courage to come for 15 years to see someone. She had 4 teeth that needed extracting but she was terrified at the thought of having them out. Together we devised a treatment plan to ease her gently into having these extractions and a new lower partial denture.  Ive never seen someone so nervous/scared in the chair. I managed to do all the extractions on her but it wasn't easy. She was in this afternoon for a denture my surprise she walked in on her own and sat in the chair. She had a smile on her face and thanked me for how great i had been with her. I was pleased to see she hadn't come with her friend and was now comfortable with walking in and sitting down on her own. We tightened the denture for her and on her way out she gave me a hug and handed me a bag full of gifts...but the best part was the card she had written expressing her sincere gratitude for all the help i have given her and her restored faith in dentistry. It really made my day worth while!

I came home and gaz had my dinner ready on the table...such a sweetheart! we nipped to big W to get some chocolates for staff at work. The thunder and lightning storm is still going!

I spoke to jacqui...this is the lady we spent new years with. She is organising a going away party for me on saturday. She is awesome...shes excited about all these decorations she's got for me and her husband is doing all the food...its going to be great! gaz and i have a busy couple of days ahead of us...lots of cleaning/packing and partying to do!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Monday 20th feb-last week in work!

Gaz an I had a lovely weekend. For me, Saturday was spent doing nothing other than eating and sleeping whilst Gaz worked hard playin on the computer. The weather has been great, 33 degrees and nothing but sunshine. In the evening we had our last drive to toogoom where we were pleased to see the tide was in. It was like a picture perfect postcard, watching the sun set over the ocean. We sat outside in the restaurant overlooking the water. Gaz ordered a chicken fettuccini only the chef accidentally put the chicken into my salmon dish. Oops. We pointed it out to the waiter an he deducted the chicken off the bill, it wasn't a problem.

Sunday I had my last horse riding lesson. It was so sad to say goodbye to buddy but Lisa said if ever she is getting rid of him, she will let me know. I'd take him on even if he can't be ridden anymore, he's duh a great horse. The ride was fun...Lisa, the other Lisa, tess and I all went for a gallop in one of the paddocks. This is a paddock I hadn't been in before as it was a bit of a trek to get to it but is te only option for trail riding now that the farmer has banned us from his fields. We had a good gallop but unfortunately I dropped the cheap pair of sunglasses from off my head. We couldnt find them but for 25 bucks, they weren't worth the hassle. We rode for 3 hours. I was knackered when we got back! I gave Lisa a thank you card and 100aud to put towards a treat for the horses.

When I got home, Gaz wa hard at work on the computer. I snuggled up on the bed and fell fast asleep. We missed out on our training session last night so we have to make up for it tonight with an hour long training session.

Work today was pretty boring...3 days left!!!

Friday 17 February 2012

Friday 17th February - put my foot in it!

In work today, regardt handed me an envelope from his wife. I tore it open and got very excited at the first line of the card inviting myself and Gaz to a party. "ooooo yay a party!" i shrieked, "yay its the morning of my party, oooooo a picnic, yay i can go to that!" i carried on. Regardt looked at me. The next line said...."oops this is a surprise party for regardt, he doesn't know so shhhh!".  Uho. Regardt left the room...i don't know if he knew about it already but he sure as hell knows about it now! I'm so stupid!

Gaz went in the swimming pool when i got home from work. He has been very busy today organising cleaners to come and sort the house out for when we move. We have to have separate cleaners to do the carpets, blinds and the general cleaning. Its going to be one expensive move! Ive also been sorting out stuff in the bathroom, chucking away toiletries we don't have room for/won't use. One good thing about moving is it stops you accumulating rubbish that you don't need!

I cooked a delightful spag bol for dinner...we are using chicken mince because there is less fat and is actually very tasty! We have also just completed an intense half hour gym pleased we did it as we could have easily fallen asleep after dinner!

We have booked accommodation for the first week of our move. We will head off on monday 27th feb and stop overnight in byron bay. I booked a motel just out of the centre of byron bay and made sure the parking was directly outside our room so we can easily put our important belongings in the room with us. We are then heading to forster to stay for the week. The accommodation for 7 nights was only 350AUD which is very cheap...its very basic but has a kitchenette so we can cook and a desk for gaz. oh and its got air conditioning although we will find it somewhat cooler down south....24 degrees at the moment as opposed to the 29/30 degrees up here! Very excited about the move!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Thursday 16th February

Yesterday gaz and i got to speak to ivory (gaz's grandad). Gaz was thrilled to see how fit and well he was looking...its great to be able to speak to family whilst being able to see them swell via Skype. Today we were able to speak to enid (Gaz's grandmother) which again, was very nice. We are both very much looking forward to going home and seeing friends and family again...we will be sure to make the most of our few months in the uk before we head back out to australia in january.

Gaz was trying to cook me dinner tonight but left the pan on the hob so by the time i got home, all i could smell was burning. Bless him. So instead we went to noodlebox...rather embarrassingly we are regulars there now and the owner recognises us when we walk in and knows what we want.

This evening, apart from speaking to enid, gaz has been on the computer and I've been cleaning, getting things ready for our move. I didn't realise just how much kitchen stuff we have accumulated! we will have to line it all up and put it in to piles...process of elimination as to what we are going to take!

I am working tomorrow (friday) which will be my let ever friday at hervey bay dental clinic! getting very excited about the move...yet a little apprehensive that we don't know where we are going to end up as we have no where to stay yet...but it makes it very exciting!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tuesday 14th February - Valentines day

I couldn't tell if gaz had a) forgotten completely it was valentines day or b) was playing dumb so he could have this huge surprise for me when i got home from work. It would appear he had forgotten lol.

work was boring...had some arsey patients, one of which i snapped a tooth on due to a curved root and spent a while getting the root out. She wasn't pleased when she left...miserable cow. I had pacific smiles ring me and tell me they would like to fly me down to forster so that they can show me around the forster and the salamander bay practice so that i can decide which one i prefer. With time being an issue, this wasn't feasible but when we get down there on 28th feb, they will show both gaz and i around then. Im thinking i may just ring pacific smiles and tell them, although it is very kind they are giving me a choice of where i want to go, i would be happy with the forster job. I've been saying for months i would like to go and work in forster...with only 3 dental practices actually in forster, i feel so lucky to get a job there!

In the evening i got home from work and gaz took me to the boat club for some food and a spin on the pokies. It got rather stressful when we got back to the house and were trying to look up methods of transport to get our belongings down to forster. A van/car/roof rack/trailer are all a good 400AUD at least! We had a little dummy run of packing the car, putting in empty suitcases and boxes to get an idea of how much we will be able to fit in. The neighbours must have thought we were doo-lally packing the car with empty cases and then unloading it 10 minutes later! We may have to get someone in work to post one or two things down to us but i think we should be able to fit everything in the car. Im being positive about it all but Gaz's negativity was not helping so we huffed a few times at one another...but its all sorted now...and I'm determined to fit everything in the car :D

Sunday 12 February 2012

Sunday 12th February - A day of rest

After my riding lesson this morning, i came home to find gaz still in bed, fast asleep. I had a cold shower to get rid of all the sweat and jumped back in to bed. We slept right through till 1.30pm! when we woke, gaz played on the computer and i read a book (such an interesting day!). We will b moving in 2 weeks so i had a little tidy up of all the junk mail we have accumulated and went through all our important documents putting them all in order...we have decided to give our christmas decorations to work so they can decorate the reception with a fibre optic tree and some nice decorations next christmas and will take some other stuff in to see if anyone wants it (saves throwing stuff away)...stuff like the evaporative air cooler which we bought and found out it does bugger all...but would make a good fan (we have two other fans so don't need a third!). We have done a half hour training session and spoke to gaza parents on Skype. It was good to catch up. I rang nanny to see how she was getting on...nanny informs me it is very cold back home so I'm glad to be here in the 33 degree heat. sorry for the boring post!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Saturday 11th february - where has time gone?!

This week has gone so quick! i must get back to writing my blog daily.

So at the start of the week, i knew i had till the end of february to find a job as my contract will end at hervey bay dental clinic. i had so many options and i didn't know which one to take. Here is the plan...

Gaz's visa end in august and i want to be home in july for dads 60th and my friends wedding. Therefore, i need a job to last me from 1st march to 20th july. Gaz and i will then be home from july to january. We will come back out to aus after christmas and i want to locate around forster region (new south wales) so that once a month, i can drive to sydney to partake in a year long implant course that i am going to sign up for.

Option 1. Aura. This practice i have been waiting to hear from for AGES. the owners have just had a baby so i put it down to them being really busy as to why i haven't heard back from them...but they finally rung me on wednesday and said although they would love to have me, they can't only have me for august, they would want something more long term. Which is fair enough, i was just glad to hear front hem to be honest! They said if in the future though i decide to move to hervey bay again, then to let them know because they would love to have me on board.

Option 2. Stay on at HBDC. So i asked at work if i could stay on but was told they would have to change my visa and put me on a minimum contract for 12 months which i couldn't another options down the pan.

Option 3. Spike Jan (a dentist fromt he esplanade who was interested in my cv)...he hasn't got back to me so I'm going to take it as a no go.

Option 4. Go tail between my legs back to the job i was offered at premiere dental studio which is still being advertised....HELL NO!

Option 5. 1300 smiles who have practices located in queensland. Being left handed, they only had one surgery going for me and that was in gladstone. A bit too far north for me....another option crossed off the list!

Option 6. Got in touch with iain dalton the guy that got me the job at hervey bay. Told him what i was after...he got back to me with a job for 'pacific smiles'. This is a corporate company who have a number of practices between forster and sydney. i had an interview with a woman for pacific smiles on wednesday and she was lovely...She said there is a long term job going in forster...PERFECT!!! there was even talk that if i liked it there, finishing in august, getting someone to locum over christmas and then having my job back there in january whilst on a sponsorship visa...and they can sponsor me!!! The forster job isn't deffinate yet, if it isn't there, it will be in one of their other practices between forster and sydney....either bloody excited!!!

It means we are giving our 2 week rent notice in on monday. It will be very sad to leave this house and to leave hervey bay now that we have made such good friends...but still, we must not get too comfortable in one place when there is so much of the world to see. Gaz at first wasn't too keen about leaving hervey bay ...'what about the friends we have made, what about moving all the stuff'....yes its going to be a pain moving things...and yes we are leaving behind friends but the good friends will keep in touch and we will make new friends! he's coming around to the idea of moving now as he's been told what great fishing and lovely beaches they have down there....and they got lots of horses! yay!

Nothing much more to report from the week just gone...gaz and i have been doing EXTREMELY well with our healthy eating. We have the calorie counter on our phones which we have become a little obsessed with...and we have trained every other night. We are feeling great so rewarded ourselves with a cheat day today.

Im going to make an effort to remember to do the blog every night next week!!!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Sunday 5th February - Fitness day 2

Gaz and i are both sticking to the fitness/healthy eating thing rather well...though it is only day 2 and will be interesting to see how long we last. I was up this morning for my riding lesson which confused a very tired, confuzzled gareth who thought i was going for a run. I had every intention to go for a run this morning before my riding lesson but as i turned to get out of bed at 5.30am, my legs were so sore i couldn't actually move. Not wanting to over do things, i re-set the alarm for 8am before my lesson. I had a great lesson on Buddy who behaved very well (as always). The sad thing is, we have been banned from riding in the bush now as the farmer feels we 'do gooders' are to blame for the kangaroo shooting getting out of hand? The farmer didn't appreciate it all being in the papers so is now punishing us for it. What a (inset expletive here).

I got home and gaz was playing on the computer. Today he did well so is happy that he is now on a positive for the month, rather than a negative. I tried ringing Aura today to see if they had decided if they want me or not seeing as they hadn't replied to my email...they didn't answer the phone, nor respond to my answer phone message so I'm taking it as a 'no we don't need you' so i will carry on looking elsewhere. There are plenty of jobs in Aus for dentists, it just sucks that we may have to leave the house which we love, and leave the people who have become our friends. We really like it here...Our last option of staying in hervey Bay is to ask work if i can stay on for another 5 months....they may or may not let me. It will mean changing my visas but it could work...i am going to see the man in charge tomorrow. If they say no....well, then we have to move.

Gaz and i went for a walk on the beach tonight. It was lovely...weve heard about all the snow  back home....well its 20 something degrees here, hot and sunny. It did Gaz good to get out of the house...he becomes a bit of a recluse shut away in the bedroom! He tells people i don't let him out lol.

Ive just don't my 45min training session...loved it! I can now hear Gaz punching the crap out of the punchbag..angry man!

Day 2 of healthy eating is going well. Im going for the little and often approach having breakfast cereal at 8am, piece of fruit at 10am, lunch such as chicken breast and salad at 1, piece of fruit at 4, meat/veg stew at 6 and yoghurt at 8 after training (as well as a protein shake). Gaz has been going for the 2 big meals a day - a huge bowl of cereal at lunch time and a 300g chicken breast and salad for dinner, protein shake after training. Will be interesting to see if either of these diets work. Its really cool that we are both being 'good' though as it makes it so much easier to eat healthy when there isn't chocolate lying around or one of us is wanting to eat out.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Saturday 4th February - Fitness

I was very pleased with myself this morning because i was up and out for my run at 7.45am. I have the nike app on my iPhone now which is the same one i used on my iPod touch when training for the marathon last year but because the phone has gps and 3g, it is more accurate with distance i have run and people can cheer me on from Facebook when I'm running and ill hear cool is that! I felt great 2 minutes in to the run....i felt like death 5 minutes in to the run....and after 15 minutes i thought oh bloody hell I'm going to die i think i had better turn back now. I managed only a half hour run which is shocking really when you think i ran all that way last year. Any way, i guess i shouldn't be too hard on myself as that was the first time i have been running outside since the marathon in may 2011. It also didn't help that by 8am it was 28 degrees and there was little shade where i was running.

I was home by 8.20am and gaz was still snuggled up in bed so i had a quick cold shower and then joined him...i slept for a further 2 hours lol. Gaz has been playing on the computer all day so I've been cleaning the house downstairs. I think Bob the gecko has been having a little party whilst we have been away, there was poop everywhere! The downstairs is all tidy now...just got the upstairs left to do tomorrow.

I have downloaded an app for the iPhone called 'myfitnesspal'. for anyone wanting to watch what they are eating, this app is great. You type in your current weight, how much you would like to loose each week and what your goal weight is....and it works out how many calories you should be eating a day. You can then search for the food you have eaten (in the uk you can scan the barcode of food into the phone and it finds it automatically) but i have to do a manual search...and you basically inset all the food you have had for the day into the diary and it works out how many calories you have consumed...its very clever!

I have just cooked gaz and i a chicken breast with some salad...we are letting the food go down before an hours training session in 'our gym' aka the garage which is now fully equipped with a punch bag, boxing gloves and pads, a dip station, fit ball, kettle bell, some exercise mats, skipping rope and pull up bar. We are looking forward to finally being able to train without any distractions! bring it on!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Friday 3rd February - Back from Gayndah

Apologies for no blog all week, we have been in Gayndah (ie. the middle of nowhere) and the internet was a little bit rubbish and Gaz was hogging it (jokes).

I was working in a dental surgery as the only dentist for the area which meant i was dealing with a lot of tooth ache appointments and doing a lot of tooth extractions. Gandah was an interesting place - the main street being a bit like one of those streets with the old saloon on in a western film. The main street had a lot of shops that had closed down and one little supermarket...2 very old looking pubs and umm...not much else. The house we were put up in was a 4 bedroom house (apparently the same house adam and gemma stayed in when they also had to work at gayndah clinic). We went up sunday night (just incase it was raining on monday as the roads would be too flooded to get there) only the air con wasn't working so we were boiling hot! We ordered a chinese from the chinese takeaway but it was a below average meal. The next day i had to go to work (luckily the clinic is only up the road). The nurses were lovely and were very surprised to hear the air con was broken. The next door neighbour has been getting annoyed at the sound of the air con fans outside the house as they back onto where his lounge is so he takes it upon himself to turn the air con off for the dental house from the mains in the garden. He's a grumpy old sod apparently. Anyway, i directed gaz to the mains and he was able to switch it on and get it working we had the air con running non-stop 24/7 all week...that would have pleased the old man next door!

The patients were very polite and really appreciative of the work i was doing for them and on wednesday i went to munduberra clinic for the day to an even more remote part of queensland. I enjoyed the day there.

Gaz and i went to get a takeaway last night from the fish and chip shop. As Gaz doesn't like fish, he wanted a burger...despite all this meaty food advertised not he board such as sausages, burgers, pies etc. the place didn't have anything left in stock other than fish and chips. We therefore went next door to a 'bistro' which was a rough as guts pub with a takeaway dinner. We sat and had a drink in the bar between a grumpy looking old man to our right who kept staring at us and a very angry old man to our left, swearing and blinding next to me about something on the tv. The bar man was rough too....gaz said i couldn't have looked more out of place in my work uniform and my queensland health tshirt on with a big yellow smiley face with the slogan 'healthy teeth are happy teeth :D'. We weren't long in the bar before leaving. Looking out how grotty the place was, we were tempted to bin the food and buy some fresh stuff elsewhere but it didn't look too bad...ignorance is bliss!

Today was my last day in work and i was happy to finish there. It was a little bit too remote for my liking. Gaz came with me to keep me company but he was bored in the house...we watched lot of films and television as thats about all there was to do!

To our horror, when we got home, the garage door was wide open, giving everyone free access to the whole of our house. I thought gaz was joking at first when he said the door had been left open, he's joked about it before...but no, this time he was serious. We ran inside expecting to see all our belongings gone...but nope...everything was as we left it. We had been gone all week and no one had stepped into our house...everything as we had left it. We feel so lucky right now!!!

Its nice to be back in hervey bay.