Thursday 16 February 2012

Thursday 16th February

Yesterday gaz and i got to speak to ivory (gaz's grandad). Gaz was thrilled to see how fit and well he was looking...its great to be able to speak to family whilst being able to see them swell via Skype. Today we were able to speak to enid (Gaz's grandmother) which again, was very nice. We are both very much looking forward to going home and seeing friends and family again...we will be sure to make the most of our few months in the uk before we head back out to australia in january.

Gaz was trying to cook me dinner tonight but left the pan on the hob so by the time i got home, all i could smell was burning. Bless him. So instead we went to noodlebox...rather embarrassingly we are regulars there now and the owner recognises us when we walk in and knows what we want.

This evening, apart from speaking to enid, gaz has been on the computer and I've been cleaning, getting things ready for our move. I didn't realise just how much kitchen stuff we have accumulated! we will have to line it all up and put it in to piles...process of elimination as to what we are going to take!

I am working tomorrow (friday) which will be my let ever friday at hervey bay dental clinic! getting very excited about the move...yet a little apprehensive that we don't know where we are going to end up as we have no where to stay yet...but it makes it very exciting!

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