Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tuesday 14th February - Valentines day

I couldn't tell if gaz had a) forgotten completely it was valentines day or b) was playing dumb so he could have this huge surprise for me when i got home from work. It would appear he had forgotten lol.

work was boring...had some arsey patients, one of which i snapped a tooth on due to a curved root and spent a while getting the root out. She wasn't pleased when she left...miserable cow. I had pacific smiles ring me and tell me they would like to fly me down to forster so that they can show me around the forster and the salamander bay practice so that i can decide which one i prefer. With time being an issue, this wasn't feasible but when we get down there on 28th feb, they will show both gaz and i around then. Im thinking i may just ring pacific smiles and tell them, although it is very kind they are giving me a choice of where i want to go, i would be happy with the forster job. I've been saying for months i would like to go and work in forster...with only 3 dental practices actually in forster, i feel so lucky to get a job there!

In the evening i got home from work and gaz took me to the boat club for some food and a spin on the pokies. It got rather stressful when we got back to the house and were trying to look up methods of transport to get our belongings down to forster. A van/car/roof rack/trailer are all a good 400AUD at least! We had a little dummy run of packing the car, putting in empty suitcases and boxes to get an idea of how much we will be able to fit in. The neighbours must have thought we were doo-lally packing the car with empty cases and then unloading it 10 minutes later! We may have to get someone in work to post one or two things down to us but i think we should be able to fit everything in the car. Im being positive about it all but Gaz's negativity was not helping so we huffed a few times at one another...but its all sorted now...and I'm determined to fit everything in the car :D

1 comment:

  1. He is so negative at times! It's not a question of can or can't do. Whatever happens you'll manage, it's just a choice of how much you want to spend, leave behind, post or sell! Not worth arguing over!

    Chris x
