Saturday 4 February 2012

Saturday 4th February - Fitness

I was very pleased with myself this morning because i was up and out for my run at 7.45am. I have the nike app on my iPhone now which is the same one i used on my iPod touch when training for the marathon last year but because the phone has gps and 3g, it is more accurate with distance i have run and people can cheer me on from Facebook when I'm running and ill hear cool is that! I felt great 2 minutes in to the run....i felt like death 5 minutes in to the run....and after 15 minutes i thought oh bloody hell I'm going to die i think i had better turn back now. I managed only a half hour run which is shocking really when you think i ran all that way last year. Any way, i guess i shouldn't be too hard on myself as that was the first time i have been running outside since the marathon in may 2011. It also didn't help that by 8am it was 28 degrees and there was little shade where i was running.

I was home by 8.20am and gaz was still snuggled up in bed so i had a quick cold shower and then joined him...i slept for a further 2 hours lol. Gaz has been playing on the computer all day so I've been cleaning the house downstairs. I think Bob the gecko has been having a little party whilst we have been away, there was poop everywhere! The downstairs is all tidy now...just got the upstairs left to do tomorrow.

I have downloaded an app for the iPhone called 'myfitnesspal'. for anyone wanting to watch what they are eating, this app is great. You type in your current weight, how much you would like to loose each week and what your goal weight is....and it works out how many calories you should be eating a day. You can then search for the food you have eaten (in the uk you can scan the barcode of food into the phone and it finds it automatically) but i have to do a manual search...and you basically inset all the food you have had for the day into the diary and it works out how many calories you have consumed...its very clever!

I have just cooked gaz and i a chicken breast with some salad...we are letting the food go down before an hours training session in 'our gym' aka the garage which is now fully equipped with a punch bag, boxing gloves and pads, a dip station, fit ball, kettle bell, some exercise mats, skipping rope and pull up bar. We are looking forward to finally being able to train without any distractions! bring it on!

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