Thursday 23 February 2012

Thursday 23rd february - Last day at work

Last night gaz and i were very naughty - we didn't do a work out nor did we stick to our diet plan...we ate cake, chocolate AND sweets! shame on us.

Today was my last day in work which was really sad. Regardt gave a little speech about how I've been great fun to work with, how i will go far in the future and also how i am welcome to come back to hervey bay dental clinic any time to work. He then made ME give a speech which i was NOT prepared for! "i left one family back in the uk and have made another, here, with you guys." *cue sick buckets* haha.

The day went really quick as i was busy all day with emergency patients...i feel like superwoman today! At the end of the day they gave me a goodbye card but i couldn't read it until i got back to the house as i knew i would get all emotional. They wrote some lovely messages in it. I said my farewells to some of the girls but most of them i will be seeing on saturday night for my leaving party at jacqui's house. Some of the other guys i will see in the park on sunday for a farewell bbq.

Meanwhile, Gaz has had a busy day. The guy came to 'clean' the blinds...i use this term loosely as the guy apparently came and went all within 5 minutes. Gaz hadn't even finished unloading the dishwasher and he was gone! He came in, removed a mark on the blind with his finger nail and then wrote a bill for $40. What a rip off! and this was the guy recommended to us by the landlord. What a joke! i thought he would take the blinds down and clean the properly...but nope.

Then the guy came to clean the carpets...we have lovely clean smelling carpets now. that was $115. This moving house business is expensive! Gaz also had a disagreement with the landlord who is being a bit of a pain in the arse...they have known for 2 weeks that we are leaving on monday and have a long drive ahead of us. They won't give us a time as to when on monday they will come and give the inspection. the landlord is saying that the 'advert' for the property has to be written before they do the inspection?! and they don't know what time the advert will have been written by?!! what a load of s**t. So anyway, we arentl leaving hervey bay until they have done the inspection as we don't want them to say 'oh this isn't clean' and then charge us for having to get someone in to do it.

Tonight gaz and i have been to the boat club for one last meal. We finally got our membership cards (horray!) and now we will never use them again lol. We ate far to much. When we got back i decided to see how much i could fit in the boot. Gaz left me to it as he is very negative about what will fit and what won't and everything is 'an issue'. I called him down to have a look at the boot to see just how much i had fit in (all very pleased with myself) and all he does is criticise and state the obvious 'have you tried closing the boot yet?'....OF COURSE I HAVE! i think gaz should leave the packing to me and he can inspect it all when I'm determined to make everything fit!

1 comment:

  1. I think all packing should be left to women. I think the ability/ desire to pack neatly is a sex linked thing. Ian x
