Friday 17 February 2012

Friday 17th February - put my foot in it!

In work today, regardt handed me an envelope from his wife. I tore it open and got very excited at the first line of the card inviting myself and Gaz to a party. "ooooo yay a party!" i shrieked, "yay its the morning of my party, oooooo a picnic, yay i can go to that!" i carried on. Regardt looked at me. The next line said...."oops this is a surprise party for regardt, he doesn't know so shhhh!".  Uho. Regardt left the room...i don't know if he knew about it already but he sure as hell knows about it now! I'm so stupid!

Gaz went in the swimming pool when i got home from work. He has been very busy today organising cleaners to come and sort the house out for when we move. We have to have separate cleaners to do the carpets, blinds and the general cleaning. Its going to be one expensive move! Ive also been sorting out stuff in the bathroom, chucking away toiletries we don't have room for/won't use. One good thing about moving is it stops you accumulating rubbish that you don't need!

I cooked a delightful spag bol for dinner...we are using chicken mince because there is less fat and is actually very tasty! We have also just completed an intense half hour gym pleased we did it as we could have easily fallen asleep after dinner!

We have booked accommodation for the first week of our move. We will head off on monday 27th feb and stop overnight in byron bay. I booked a motel just out of the centre of byron bay and made sure the parking was directly outside our room so we can easily put our important belongings in the room with us. We are then heading to forster to stay for the week. The accommodation for 7 nights was only 350AUD which is very cheap...its very basic but has a kitchenette so we can cook and a desk for gaz. oh and its got air conditioning although we will find it somewhat cooler down south....24 degrees at the moment as opposed to the 29/30 degrees up here! Very excited about the move!

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