Saturday 11 February 2012

Saturday 11th february - where has time gone?!

This week has gone so quick! i must get back to writing my blog daily.

So at the start of the week, i knew i had till the end of february to find a job as my contract will end at hervey bay dental clinic. i had so many options and i didn't know which one to take. Here is the plan...

Gaz's visa end in august and i want to be home in july for dads 60th and my friends wedding. Therefore, i need a job to last me from 1st march to 20th july. Gaz and i will then be home from july to january. We will come back out to aus after christmas and i want to locate around forster region (new south wales) so that once a month, i can drive to sydney to partake in a year long implant course that i am going to sign up for.

Option 1. Aura. This practice i have been waiting to hear from for AGES. the owners have just had a baby so i put it down to them being really busy as to why i haven't heard back from them...but they finally rung me on wednesday and said although they would love to have me, they can't only have me for august, they would want something more long term. Which is fair enough, i was just glad to hear front hem to be honest! They said if in the future though i decide to move to hervey bay again, then to let them know because they would love to have me on board.

Option 2. Stay on at HBDC. So i asked at work if i could stay on but was told they would have to change my visa and put me on a minimum contract for 12 months which i couldn't another options down the pan.

Option 3. Spike Jan (a dentist fromt he esplanade who was interested in my cv)...he hasn't got back to me so I'm going to take it as a no go.

Option 4. Go tail between my legs back to the job i was offered at premiere dental studio which is still being advertised....HELL NO!

Option 5. 1300 smiles who have practices located in queensland. Being left handed, they only had one surgery going for me and that was in gladstone. A bit too far north for me....another option crossed off the list!

Option 6. Got in touch with iain dalton the guy that got me the job at hervey bay. Told him what i was after...he got back to me with a job for 'pacific smiles'. This is a corporate company who have a number of practices between forster and sydney. i had an interview with a woman for pacific smiles on wednesday and she was lovely...She said there is a long term job going in forster...PERFECT!!! there was even talk that if i liked it there, finishing in august, getting someone to locum over christmas and then having my job back there in january whilst on a sponsorship visa...and they can sponsor me!!! The forster job isn't deffinate yet, if it isn't there, it will be in one of their other practices between forster and sydney....either bloody excited!!!

It means we are giving our 2 week rent notice in on monday. It will be very sad to leave this house and to leave hervey bay now that we have made such good friends...but still, we must not get too comfortable in one place when there is so much of the world to see. Gaz at first wasn't too keen about leaving hervey bay ...'what about the friends we have made, what about moving all the stuff'....yes its going to be a pain moving things...and yes we are leaving behind friends but the good friends will keep in touch and we will make new friends! he's coming around to the idea of moving now as he's been told what great fishing and lovely beaches they have down there....and they got lots of horses! yay!

Nothing much more to report from the week just gone...gaz and i have been doing EXTREMELY well with our healthy eating. We have the calorie counter on our phones which we have become a little obsessed with...and we have trained every other night. We are feeling great so rewarded ourselves with a cheat day today.

Im going to make an effort to remember to do the blog every night next week!!!


  1. That's good news. We were wondering what was happening. It'll be a wrench leaving Hervey Bay but it's no bad thing to have to try somewhere else. In the long term you could go back if you wanted to but make that decision having explored a little. Forster did look lovely when we drove through it but then the whole coast down there was lovely.


  2. Exciting times. As for the move, hire a van, drive down in convoy, unpack, and drop van off. Simples. It'll be good to see another part of the country, also very very handy for the implant course next year. Keep us posted. Ian x

    1. sounds like a good move, and being closer to the city is not a bad thing xx
