Friday 16 March 2012

Friday 16th March - Signed for a house and oak vale farm

I woke up early this morning so i could be down at pacific smiles for an induction on how to use the computers...its all very relaxed down there and i can really see myself enjoying it there. They have my room set up for me ready to go, patients booked in for tuesday and my passwords etc. all ready. Cant wait to start and earn some money now!

It didn't take long to have the induction When i had finished, Gaz and i went to the estate agents to sort out paperwork...although the house hasn't been cleaned yet (and the last tenant left the house in an appauling state) sam said we can move in anyway because she knows we were desperate to get in before i start work. She needed a few hours to get the paperwork together so i begged gaz to take us to oak vale farm (20 minutes down the road) so i could stroke a koala! I have to admit, when we pulled up there were a few cars there but we didn't expect the place to be any good...well actually we were wrong. the place was awesome!!! As you walk out of the reception and gift shop area, theres goats galore everywhere! big ones, little ones...all roaming free amongst the entire farm area. Lots of different kinds of birds roaming free too, They had cute little piglets, rabbits etc - your typical farm life...then they had wallabies, wombats, kangaroos, emus, one of those big wedge tail eagles which was HUGE but had broken its wing in captivity so they kept him here at the farm and pure bred dingos. And many many more animals but it was great because it was very laid back and you could feed all the animals. the goats were my favourite because if you didn't watch them, they would steal things from out of your bag. At 2pm we got to feed the goats with a bottle of milk...gaz got to hold the little baby goat and feed it - cute! and then we were able to stroke a load of koalas...and then we had a tractor was so much fun! the kids there were loving it...and myself!

We spent a good few hours at the farm and then it was time to sign for the house and pick up the keys! it all went smoothly and we were so grateful to sam for letting us move in early before it had been cleaned. We dumped all our stuff front he car into the lounge and i had a go at cleaning the bathroom - it was disgusting this woman was a pig! it wasn't even as though she just didn't clean the place before she moved out...the amount of crap that was caked on, it looks as though she hadn't bothered to clean the place for the whole 6 months she was there!!! Whilst i tackled the grime (kin and aggy would have a field day in this house!) Gaz went for a swim on his own in the sea over the road. He want in there long but it was nice for him to go off for a bit and do something he wanted to do. he said the water was a little chilly. the weather has been beautiful here...we must have taken the sunshine from hervey bay with us as the sun hasn't stopped shining!

We are now writing a list of things we need to get tomorrow so i can give the house a clean to make it liveable for the next few days until the proper cleaners come.

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