Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tuesday 6th March - Paperwork :(

On sunday, gaz and i went fishing. Well Gaz did all the fishing, i lay on the side and fell asleep....nevertheless, it was a team effort. Gaz had spent the day playing on the computer whilst i lazed around reading the bill bryson book on australia. The weather was great, very hot and sunny which was perfect for sitting on the porch outside the cabin, listening to the birds and reading a book. It is nice to be relaxing and doing nothing...Gaz still fails to be up before me in the mornings though. After an hour and a bit fishing we ordered a pizza from pizza hut. Gaz didn't thnk the large was big enough for him so went in and ordered a second one! The pizzas were deceivingly filling so he ended up saving the second pizza for lunch next day. On the way back to the cabin from pizza hut we spotted an owl looking bird on its roof. Chris has since pointed out (judging by the photo i put up on Facebook) that this was a tawny from mouth. Good detective work chris!

Yesterday was yet another relaxing day...i could get used to this doing nothing business! Gaz played on the computer and i did some more reading and a bit of afternoon napping. such hard work! in the evening we drove to Forsters equivalent of the hervey bay boat club. It had started raining by this point so it was nice to be in the dry. Fully fed and watered, we headed back to the cabin for some more 'house' which we have both become addicted to.

Today was not my day. I woke up to 8 emails from pacific smiles which all had 5 or 6 files attached which needed to be printed off and signed. I was very organised and got printing them off straight away. I was very annoyed to find 50odd pages later...the ink had run out half way through! Argh! I took a trip to the carridge shop in forster...to find the woman had popped out for a cup of coffee so i had to hang round for her to get back. Meanwhile i had been flooding the laundry room on the campsite by sticking our clothes into a leaky washing machine. By the time i got back to empty the washing machine, the floor was a puddle of water. I grabbed my clothes and rushed to let them know at reception before some poor sod slipped on the floor!
Gaz played on the computer today whilst i slept for 3 hours. When i woke up we went for a mexican down the road...it was an average meal that used beach towels for table clothes? We should have known from a glance this was going to be a mediocre meal! The weather has been great all day but now it has just started raining. tomorrow we are going on a trip to port macquarie and gaz is taking me to the koala hospital up there...they have an intensive care unit for koalas! i can't wait!!!

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