Wednesday 28 March 2012

Tuesday 28th March - Gazs birthday

The house has been sprayed to kill all the cockroaches and spiders. It has been horrible waking up to dead cockroaches on their backs! Yesterday i had to get Gaz out of bed as a cockroach had blocked the door - he was HUGE! and was still alive albeit a little intoxicated and not really moving much but he was still a big bugger and i wasn't going to get past him to get through the door. Gaz thought he had killed it but i screamed so loud when it ran out of the kitchen roll and back around gazs feet! The other night gaz and i were watching 'troll hunter' in got to a very tense moment in the film when all of a sudden this big black cockroach started running up our laptop screen! I leaped a mile out of bed...gaz tried catching it in some oiler paper to send it on a journey down the 'porcelain express' (the toilet). I couldn't sleep very well after that, constantly thinking i had a cockroach crawling on me!

Work went great book was full and i loved it! Gaz has spent the day sorting his computer out as he has downloaded some software that has made it run very slowly...he was going to go fishing but that plan fell through as it took him longer to sort the computer out than he thought...i think its all sorted now.

I sang gaz happy birthday at 7.30am...we decided we won't bother with cards and presents for each other but i did go out and find him a chocolate echidna themed cake as he has talked about always wanting to see an echidna! The cake was yummy. i put candles on it when i got home from work and sang for him again...he just can't get enough of my amazing singing...not. We even took some cake around to jack next door. He had been in hospital yesterday to have his yearly scan for bowel cancer which he had been diagnosed and treated for in 2001. He appreciated the cake and we gave him an extra slice for his daughter...together gaz and i have managed to demolish the rest of the cake...thats team work!

As it is gaz's birthday i took him for a meal at the hogs breath cafe. He managed to eat the half a cow on his plate and now we are sitting at home trying not to explode!

I have another full day in work tomorrow...cant wait! Is it really sad to enjoy work so much?

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