Friday 2 March 2012

Friday 2nd march - Rain rain go away!

Gaz and i had a nice lye in this morning so i got to listen to the pitter patter of rain on the roof of the cabin we are staying in. Eventually gaz dragged himself out of bed and commenced play on the computer...he played well today. I thought i would get out of his hair for a bit and take a walk down to the boat ramp that is at the end of the road at the camp site here...only i didn't anticipate the walk being so far and a third of the way to the ramp, it began to pour so i headed back...i even managed a little jog here and there..i still can't believe i ran a marathon less than 12 months ago as i was breathless after a few seconds. I'm so unfit! I drove to woolworths to pick up some food and was back by 12.30pm...gaz was still on the computer so i picked up the bill bryson book on australia which i have started reading 3 times already, not to mention getting halfway through his audio book TWICE back in the uk. I sat on the porch reading so as to give gaz space in the cabin...some very cheeky spider kept spitting his web at my arm which did not amuse wasn't long before i retreaded, book in hand, back in to the cabin and got comfy on the then put the book down and sleep..and sleep...and sleep. 3 hours later i woke up all groggy. Gaz had got his own back on me having posted a picture of him sleeping in the car and displaying it on Facebook....he had taken a picture of me sleeping and did the same. 2 wrongs don't make a right, gaz.

We went for a drive in the pouring rain to try and see more sites of forster. Unfortunately we couldn't really appreciate the picturesque views between the rain drops and grey sky. It was a very miserable day. We drove back to the cabin and watched some 'House'...a new series we have got in to watching.

Gaz didn't fancy my cooking tonight so we went to hogs breath...again! i knew we should have kept our members card...

we are now back in the cabin. its cosy in here! oh and i found out how much i will be earning in work...she said between 3500-4500AUD per week. which is almost 20,000aud per month...which is approx 13,500pounds....which means ill be on 156,000 pound a year...sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't see the photo yet. Glad to hear about the financial package, and don't forget you are worth every penny of it. Just wondering how the Mifi/ dongle worked for Gaz. Ian x
