Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tuesday 20th March - First day at work

I woke up today VERY nervous about starting my new job. I had butterflies in my stomach all the way to work! Gaz woke up for a few minutes then I'm pretty sure he fell back asleep - I'm so jealous! When i got to work everyone made me feel very welcome. There is only one other dentist there but he made me feel right at home and showed me where certain things were and offered his time if i needed him. The patient notes are all on the computer so it took a bit of time finding my way around that but i think I've grasped the basic concepts of how to use it now! I really loved the fact the patients were paying A LOT of money for their treatment and yet they were so grateful for everything i was doing for them. They were all so polite and i felt like they actually wanted to be there. it was good. My hours are from 8.30-5.30 with an hour for lunch. We had a staff meeting today so that also took another hour of my time. 3 patients didn't turn up so i had an hour and a half of doing nothing...the girls said you get some days where a few don't turn up and i guess this was just my day. So all in all, i did a total of 6.5 hours work...put it this way, i earned a lot of money! I'm really going to enjoy it here!

When i got home, Gaz wasn't in the best of moods. He had had a rubbish day on the computer and was a little down. Im sure things will pick up again for him soon! We tried to cook some steaks but our stove started smoking out from where the dials are. We then tried to grill the step but the whole grill started smoking after 10 seconds...we need to ring the landlord...they are so going to hate us!

1 comment:

  1. Good news. So glad you like it there. It's surprising how different surgeries/clinics can be and it's always nice to get paid well for what you enjoy. The cooker sounds a bit of a nightmare though. Better try all the hobs, grill and oven then any other appliances before ringing the landlord. Get it all sorted in one go
