Monday 8 August 2011

Monday 8th August - Lane family meal

Today Mum and I went in to town so that I could pick up some last minute items for the trip to Aus. I thought i would do my good deed for the day and pay in the huge pot of coins my brother has had on his windowsill for the past few years only to get to the bank to find the paying in coin machine was broken! I ended up lugging a very heavy bag around town for the next hour. I managed to post a present to one of my best friends, Kirsty. I had given her a 'me-to-you' bear on our goodbye visit a few days ago saying 'special friend' on it but she had gone one step further and made me a lovely collage of pictures of us both and given me 2 neclaces - one that broke in half saying 'best friends' (i have the half saying friends, she has the other half with best on). The other necklace was sterling silver with a little horse shoe and a tag that reads 'may love, luck and happiness be with you always'. I was touched by these gifts and wanted to give her something more sentimental as i really will miss her a lot. Before my horse died 5 years ago, the last time she was shod, i asked to keep her set of iron horse shoes. Kierra (the name of my horse), as sad as it sounds, was my best friend through high school and i miss her to this day. I had an idea to paint one of the shoes (using my nail varnish) and write KIRSY on the shoe to symbolise luck and to give her something that meant a lot to me.This is exactly what i did. In town, I also managed to find an earphone splitter so that gaz and I can both listen to my laptop and also some airplane adapters so that we can use our own earphones on the plane instead of the rubbish ones they give you.

Mum and I stopped off in Sainsburys to pick up the food for the roast dinner she was cooking later in the evening. When we got back, she handed me an envelope...inside was 400AUD from her and Dad. Very unexpected but very much appreciated.

The food was delicious and had all the trimmings! It was a good opportunity to exchange some more helpful tips from Adam and Gemma about the whole Australian experience as this was them this time 2 years ago. They said it was the  best thing they had ever done and they are sure we will love it too.
As the meal drew to an end, Gaz decided he was going back to his flat as he has lots of stuff to sort. Not wanting to be on my own, i asked if i could go too. As i stood up to leave it hit me that this was the last time i would see Adam and Gemma before i go, and next time i see them i will be an auntie and Gaz will be an uncle. I have been really strong in front of people up until this point but suddenly the emotions hit me and i burst in to tears. Gemma gave me a really meaninful hug - the tight sort of hug where u know the person is really showing their affection. Adam did the same and handed me some AUD. I didn't want to hang around much longer, mum was in tears and i could see dad holding back the flood so i left the house in all of a tizz. Gareth comforted me but i couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face. I will be really sad to not see Adam and Gemma again for so long and im dreading Thursday when i have to say goodbye to mum and dad.


  1. It's only natural to be upset in those circumstances, everyone would react in the same way. You're about to start a wonderful adventure together. If Oz works for you excellent, if not there'll always be a welcome for you back at home. As I see it, it's a win win situation. As long as you and Gaz are happy together that's all that matters. Ian x
