Saturday 6 August 2011

Saturday 6th August - Leaving Party

I woke up at 3am this morning having previously drifted off in Gareths arms watching The Inbetweeners on the laptop in bed. So very often do we cwtch up in bed watching films on the laptop and only a handful of times have i ever stayed awake to catch the end! On the way back from the toilet i walked into the drawers, making a loud racket thus waking Gaz up. I told him i had had a bad dream and he told me everything is OK and cuddled me like a little baby, and i soon fell back to sleep again.

We slept right through till 11am and then Gaz got up to play poker so i had some cereal and then left to go back home. Mum was busy cleaning the house and Dad was mowing the lawn so i took the oppertunity to photograph Theenie again with the SLR camera. Poor Theenie hates having her photo taken but she had no choice as i followed her around the garden, clicking away. She was not best pleased!

Although i wasn't particularly tired having spent most of the morning in bed,  i still felt inclined to have an afternoon nap. I woke up at 6pm and got ready for the leaving party Gaz and i were having later in the evening. The party consisted of mainly Gaz's mates as i have a meal planned on Tuesday with University friends and have already celebrated with my Swansea friends. At 7pm i got to Gaz's house where Neil was sat comfortabley on the sofa in the same spot where he always sat when he was Gaz's flatmate. Was just like old times walking in and seeing him there with a beer in one hand and the friendly salute he does with the other. Huw (Gaz's brother) and Mel (Huw's wife) turned up not long after i had arrived with Mike Peters (who i remember seeing in Cardiff High as he has an uncanny resemblence to the lead character off American Pie) and Mikes brother, Lex (the crazy wanderer). After a few drinks in the flat, we headed to the bar across the road from Gaz's flat - Karma Lounge.

Heather (a lovely girl Gaz stalked home one night), Elise and Helen (Gaz befriended in a que to a club on another night) soon joined the party. It was a nice relaxed atmosphere where we all exchanged  tales of the past and had a laugh whilst enjoying a few beers/cocktails. Jack Peters (Mikes dad) also made an appearance to wish farewell to his forth son (Gareth). After the Karma lounge those of us remaining headed back to the flat for some more drinks. Huw has been desperate all night to go to the casino and although Gaz was not really up for it, i've insisted he goes to spend some quality time with his brother, Lex, Mike and Neil because it is the last night he will have with them before he goes away.  I also thought if i get rid of him then i can write this blog whilst it pours down outside! Don't know what time he will be home but i hope he enjoys every minute with his brother and best friends.


  1. You're a good story teller Vicky. I can just see you following that poor dog around with the camera! Glad last night went well for you bith
