Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunday 7th August - Lane leaving party

Gaz returned from the casino at 4am this morning having wisely confiscated money off Huw to make sure he didn't loose too much. I'm so glad im with the sensible brother! His alarm went off at 10am but neither of us could bare opening our eyes so we snoozed for another half hour, as though it would make the world of difference.

I got home and mum had been shopping for food to make sandwiches for the guests arriving later. The BBQ had been called off as the weather was awful (typical). At 1pm, my cousin Alexander, his wife Steph, their two adorable little girls - Amelie (3 years old) and Freya (1.5years old) and my Nan had all arrived and we were enjoying watching the girls play with their toys in the lounge. Amelie had chicken pox so unfortunately Adam and Gemma didn't come over (as Gemma is pregnant). It is very cute watching Amelie playing 'mum' to Freya - showing her how to play with the toys and bossing her around like older siblings do. Dad was caught feeding them chocolate buttons which Steph had already said they weren't allowd! He was crouched down, shaking the bowl of buttons at them as though coaxing a timid little lamb closer and closer to their feed. The girls are not used to dogs so fortunately Theenie sat patiently whilst they stroked her and even laid down to let them give her a brush. Although they were trying really hard to be gentle, Freya did stand on Theenies tale a few times so although Theenie may not have been completely loving the attention from the youngsters, she tolerated it very well. Gaz joined us and Mum and Dad commented on how good he was with Amelie and Freya who he chased around the garden pretending to be a big angry giant. Any excuse for Gaz to behave like a big kid!

It was sad saying goodbye to everyone, especially Nanny who looked teary eyed at me as she said her fond farewell. My Nan is a battle axe and at 86, she is wall papering the house and on her hands and knees scrubbing floors. I have no doubt i will be seeing her next christmas when Gaz and I intend to return for a visit.

In the evening Gaz and I were invited to his parents house for a paella dish that  Gaz's Dad has boasted about since he bought his new paella dish a few months back. He did not let himself down as the dish was beautiful - its just a shame Gaz had to pick out the hundred peas and sweetcorn mixed amongst the rice. Chris even managed to knock over a bottle of wine that flew all down the chair and all over the rug. Luckily the rug is machine washable and fingers crossed the wine should come out! On the plus side, there was still some wine left in the bottle! We all piled into their lounge after a delightful strawberry and cream dessert and watched a story about Lisa Kudrows family tree. Her last words were that no matter what happens in life, life goes on. On leaving Gaz's parents house he became a bit emotional at the thought that wehave only a few days left here in the UK. As hard as it is going to be leaving our friends and family behind on goes on.

 The photograph was taken with my compact camera quickly before Freya ran off again and in the 15 mins of sunshine we had outside! (Freya - left, Amelie - Right)


  1. Great description of your party. Lovely evening here. Can't agree more with your comments about Lisa Kudrow. Life has to go on. She came over as being pretty together as a person. Ian x

  2. Am loving this blog Vicky. Will be such A good way of keeping in touch when you're away. Ian is rejuvenating Mogs Travels too so we'll know exactly what we're all doing & thinking! Chris x
