Sunday 28 August 2011

Sunday 28th August - Killer ants!

Gaz played on his computer again this morning whilst i took the car out to take some photos. The photos i took weren't very exciting today as although the sun was shining, the tide was right out. We finally worked out how to use the washing machine only when hanging the clothes out on the line, i was under attack from ants! In their thousands, they began crawling frantically up my leg...i screamed like a typical girl does and ran inside. Being determined i would not be defeated in hanging up the washing, i donned my riding boots and completed the mission! As the ants have started getting in to the garage, we went and bought some ant killer which they appeared to find very tasty so fingers crossed they will fill their bellies and die.

 Ive just cooked Gaz a stir fry and will shortly be having a relaxing bath before an early tomorrow! i cant wait! As you can tell from the length of the blog....absolutely nothing has happened today!

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