Wednesday 10 August 2011

Wednesday 10th August - The Last Supper

Not much to report today!

Gaz dropped his suitcase round my parents house at 11am before he dropped his car over the road to Harry. Dont worry though Gaz, i haven't put anything in your suitcase...apart from a few grams of crack and a hand gun but u'll be fine. Ian picked him up and moved the last of the stuff out of the flat. Sad times for Gaz as he has lots of memories from that flat.

I spent the day packing, then weighing the suitcase...then repacking....then finally down to 20kg in my suitcase and 6.5kg in my hand luggage. If my bags do end up being over, i have the jewelery at the ready to bling myself up for the plane ride. So much for Gaz saying he would have loads of room in his case! His hand luggage is 7kg and his suitcase is 19kg. I dont think he has heard of packing...its more CHUCKING things in where there is a space lol. I'm chuffed though because i have been able to fit my horse riding hat and boots into my case (yay!).

I wrote a few farewells on facebook. I have had the nurses from my work place texting me saying they were in tears reading the nice message i wrote them. I also took Theenie for her last walk with myself and dad. Was nice to spend a bit of quality time with her, watching her limping around the fields, sniffing occasionally at the sporadically located dog scents. Her hearing may have gone a little but her sense of smell certainly hasnt! Going to miss Theenie...a lot. She's my pal.

In the evening Mum, Dad and I went to the pub for a meal. The first pub we drove to had a wake going on. I didn't particularly want to spend my last meal with a load of mourning people dressed in black. Instead, we headed up the road to the Travellers Rest. A traditional country pub where i had a piri piri chicken and chips. Dad had the usual - beer battered cod (which he alternates with scampi and chips) and mum chose the healthy dish on the menu - fish cakes with salad. After a lovely meal, we returned home and watched a film. It was called 'the ugly truth' and it was cringe worthy! Dad couldnt even sit through it all and occupied himself with his laptop and i sat blushing next to mum as naughty things were happening on the screen that one should not really watch with parents!

I spoke to Gaz on the phone and he said he had been to see his nan, Enid. She has given gareth a very generous sum of money which he really appreciates as it will come in very handy. He has had his last supper with Chris, Ian and Huw (his Mum, dad and brother) which was a chinese...yummy! He said its been lovely having just the 4 of them in the house together, just like old times, and it will be a nice memory for him to go away with.

We are both not looking forward to tomorrow. It is possibly going to be the worst day of  our lives saying goodbye :(

Hmm, considering i said not much to report...i seem to have reported on a lot!

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