Saturday 27 August 2011

Saturday 27th August - Cheat day!

Gaz got up 9ish and played about on his computer. I on the other hand slept in till 11am...oops. Sometimes i think the more sleep you have, the more tired you become and that's exactly how i felt this morning! I forced myself out of bed and thought as Gaz is on the computer, ill leave him to it and i shall go out and take some photos. Gaz reckons we are becoming more and more like his parents everyday as this is exactly what Chris would get up to! I had no idea what i was going to photograph, i went with the intention on snapping whatever looked interesting. I didnt have to look far for inspiration as just over the road from the house were some ducks who let me get quite close. Infact there were quite a few different birds i managed to take pictures of which was perfect as the sky was grey so i figured landscape views were not going to be very appealing in this merky light.

I avoided going on the beach as i didnt want to get sand in the camera so i kept to the cycle path that goes all along the coast and up and around point vernon (where the posh houses are). I had walked aimlessly for 2 hours before gaz rung offering to pick me up to take me for lunch.Whilst waiting for him i managed to spot a kookaburra on a telephone line and a parakeet hidden in the trees.

One thing i do really like about Hervey Bay is how well the government has placed outdoor facilities. There was a beautiful outdoor pool for children with lots of fountains and slides. It is called 'wet side' if you want to google it. I couldnt take pictures of it as it didnt feel right with little kids in their swim suits playing! They also have a wave machine there so gaz and i will have to give that a go at some point! Also along the walk i went on were many outdoor BBQ areas. I saw families cooking away at lunch time whilst the kids played in the many play areas. It was really nice to see!

As it is cheat day, Gaz and i are allowd to eat whatever we like. We were starving at lunch time so headed for the boat house for burger and chips - yummy. We were REALLY naughty and had a chocolate bar aswell. This evening Gaz has been invited out for drinks with the new rugby club he has signed up to. that is where he is whilst i write this blog. It is pouring with rain so ive dropped him up to the hervey bay hotel up the road and am under strict orders to pick him up in 45 mins so that we can go for food. we are dining out tonight at the local italian which always seems packed...cant be any worse than the indian!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a good day! Glad you're enjoying the camera. Remember for wildlife shots to switch focus drive mode to AI servo or AI focus so camera focus will follow the bird if they move. Also use Tv, shutter priority & pick a fast shutter speed. It's surprising how fast it needs to be to catch wing beats. Finally most of my horizons are a bit wonky but I correct them afterwards in Lightroom or Photoshop Elements. Lots of software will do it. Check yours.
    Chris x
