Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tuesday 9th August

Apologies for the boring blog...i'm half asleep writing this one!

This morning Gaz and I found it difficult to get up. His alarm was set for 10 minute snooze intervals but in hindsight, we may as well have set the alarm for an hour later than originally planned. When we got up, Gaz took me to 'Cash Generator' so that he could sell his play station as none of his friends seemed to want it. Gaz didn't realise he needed ID in the form of a letter (dated within 6 weeks and with an address on) but luckily, as i was heading to photocopy important documents (which i took with me into the shop incase the car got broken in to) i had my australian work contract letter dated JUST within the 6 week margin - i come in handy afterall! The shop gave me the creeps so we were straight out of there once the deal was done. Gaz then drove me to Dad's surgery so i could do some photocopying of all my important documents so that i can keep a copy at home incase (for whatever reason) i should loose the originals (this is me being organised).

Gaz came to pick me up after having had his hair cut (where he was bored for half hour by the hairdresser talking AT him about politics) and we proceeded to his flat where we spent the rest of the morning/afternoon cleaning. We must have disposed of at least 10 bags which were filled mainly of Gaz's clothes, combined with a moldy pizza from the fridge - uch a fi! As sad as it was clearing out Gaz's flat, it was also reassuring at how well we worked together. We don't get stressed at one another and we don't argue. Instead we help pick each other up when we feel down.

The original plan was to sell his car to Harry across the road for £100. The car is worth more but Gaz appreciates all the work Harry has done for him with the car over the past few years. Harry explained he was going to be doing the car up and giving it to his friend who would be using the car for his charity work with troubled children. Gaz being the softy that he is decided he would give Harry the car and only charge to cover the registration fee. That was his good deed for the day, and a very kind one at that!

Gaz dropped me home and came to the garden where mum was sat on her own and we had a little chat about things. When he left, i was left with mum and i got upset at looking at Theenie, knowing she won't be around when i come home so 'goodbye' on Thursday, really IS goodbye. I hope Theenie understands i won't be coming back...i did try telling her, i think she knows something is up. We mustn't under estimate just how much animals sense things which may explain why she has been following me around a lot these past few days (unless she sees me with the camera, then she avoids me!).

This evening i went for a meal in the Grape and Olive with my best friends from Dental School - Sarah and Kate. Unfortunately Alison couldn't make it back from west wales. They cheered me up a treat and it was lovely to hear their stories about what they have been up to and how work is going now as associates. They are very excited for me and would not allow me to be upset and reminded me that this is an exciting new adventure and they are only a phone call/email away if i need them or fancy a chat. This was comforting.

Gaz has spent the evening with Neil for a meal at the mackintosh pub. I have text Gaz to break the news to him...we have officially checked in online to our flight on Thursday. I have also managed to change the seats so that one of us has an isle seat...preferably Gaz who informs me he gets up continuously for a pee. So this is it. countdown begins. Feeling very very sad to be leaving friends and family but very very excited about what lies ahead. A new chapter in our lives is about to begin. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you being positive & looking forward at last. This IS a big adventure. With Skype Facebook & email we will all feel very close.

    Am glad Gaz is giving the car away. We didn't pay my Mum when we had the car from her and I'm sure she'd be pleased it was being used for a charity if she understood what was going on
    Chris x
