Monday 12 December 2011

Monday 12th December - Work work work

Yesterday i had a great riding lesson as Lisa let me ride Buddy again and we were joined by the other Lisa and funnily enough, the little girl (Alana) who is the daughter of Mark the lab technician at work! There were 6 of us in all and it was good fun. The fields are all water logged from all of the rain we have had and where a ca rhas been driving up and down there are tracks which have created a deep stream down the field. The horses loved splashing through it and poor Alana was on Borris (a little shetland pony) who was more or less swimming down the stream as his little legs couldnt reach the bottom. The horses loved it! Luckily the wearther was good for us because by the time i got home, the thunder and rain had begun again. I slept for a good 3 hours whilst Gaz played on the computer and i woke up in time for us to grab a takeaway from the Thai place down the road.

In work today patients werent turning up so it wasnt too bad. One of the dentists made a comment about my front tooth being squint which has annoyed me a little bit...i was busy talking to one of the dentists when this other dentist came up to me and was making it obvious she was looking my face up and down. She then said 'hmmm interesting'.  I asked what was wrong and she said 'oh just looking at your 21( my 21 being my front tooth) ' i asked why? and she just replied 'oh nothing :)' with a very smug grin on her face. I was like errr??? Are you looking at it because it sticks out? She replied "yes"....i thought it was very strange. She then went on to moan about a patient of hers that has squint teeth and she said it irritates her. This is the same person who has a real grudge against Kate Middleton...and will constantly comment about Kates teeth when shes in magazines saying 'look at that black triangle between her front teeth, she MUST have veneers,'....WHO CARES! Any way as ive got a major complex about my teeth, i dont appreciate people obviously staring at them and judging them!!!

Gaz has had a rubbish day on the computer but hes still doing very well for the month. I talked him in to doing some chin ups with me on the chin up bar downstairs which we did...and are now feeling very sore! ive even been to woolworths and started my health kick food. Some of the nurses have invited me to a boxercise class tomorrow which i promised last week i would go to...which sucks a little because i was also invited by some other girls to go to the cinema tomorrow night too...i should stick to the exercise class though. Gaz is going to come and watch but i cant convince him to take part as he doesnt want to be the only boy there.

PS - GAZ HAS BEEN BINGE EATING!!! i admitted to eating chocolate peanuts in work today and he made me feel guilty. When i went to put something in the bin next to his computer, there was an empty packet of kinder bars!!! The little monkey had scoffed them and wasnt going to tell me! He even admitted this wasnt the first time hes done it!!! is this a cause for the fine jar or would i be guilty too? DISCUSS!


  1. Lol! Why not have a weight penalty jar, a fine for each lb you put on. Then you won't have to check up on each others cheating!
    Glad you're enjoying life & don't worry about your teeth. Theyre fine!

  2. How very rude!!! Pick out a flaw in her face and keep staring at it! When she asks say ' oh it's just your nose, hae you ever noticed its a bit squiiff!!'' x
