Tuesday 6 December 2011

Tuesday 6th December - Fun day at work

The rain continued all through the night and Gaz lay snug as a bug in bed whilst i traipsed around trying to piece together my work uniform this morning. Work was fun today...
Yesterday one of the lab technician, John, who is forever playing practical jokes on people, had left an unopened box of chocolates on his desk. I stole the chocolates and hid them in my room. By the end of the day i returned them back to his desk. Today i turned to Faye, one of the other technicians, "i guess john knew it was me that stole the chocolates?" she said that John didnt have a clue who had taken them and he had even opened them today and left them on the bench! I then proceeded to stealing the open box of chocolates and hid them again in my room. It turns out the reception staff had a load of the wrappers to the same type of chocolates (ones which they had eaten a few days ago). I took these wrappers and pretending it was from Johns box, i left empty wrappers throughout the day on Johns work bench. He didnt have a clue who was doing this...towards the end of the day i tipped the chocolates out of the box and left the empty box on his desk with a little notes saying 'NOM NOM NOM! (smiley face)". He still didnt know who the culprit was. In the end i put the chocolates in a cardboard box and taped it up with Johns name on...i kicked the box next to his chair and he eventually found it..still none the wiser.

One of the dental assistants was flicking through the paper today at tea break and to her shock, there was a cheesy looking pitcutre of gaz and i grinning away in our santa hats. Everyone is joking we are locals now that weve been in the paper!

Gaz has done really well on the computer today...but still hasnt phoned Billy!!! 


  1. Brilliant! I didn't realise you were a practical joker. That's a good photo of you two - fame at last!


  2. you guys have really settled in now. what's it like to be one of the locals? good photo though x

  3. mum in answer to ur question ...the kangaroo with the broken leg is a fully sized male...the rescue people would just shoot it :(

    i think they only took our photo coz we were the youngest couple there without kids! x
