Wednesday 14 December 2011

wednesday 14th december - boxercise!

Yesterday I began a very healthy routine. Im living on 2 weetabix in the morning, an orange for tea break, salad for lunch and chicken stew (with carrots, leeks, onions and chicken stock) for dinner with a freezepop for dessert. I had an awful day in work yesterday with my first patient refusing her proposed treatment and arguing for 30 minutes with regardt (the senior dentist) about how awful the system is here and demanding a very decayed, broken down tooth was root treated and crowned....neither of which we offer at the clinic and nor would any dentist perform on a tooth like this in a mouth of her condition (unless the dentist was more concerned about making money than the welfare of the patient. She kicked off the sttart of an awful day ahead. Patients with really difficult fillings came in, i saw other peoples patients because they were running late (as usual) but which then made ME run late...and at 4.45pm just when i thought i had finished, the same dentist who commented about my teeth the other day came in to my room and asked for an 'opinion' on a patient. I said i would give her an opinion so she went through the whole history of the patient who she had seen that morning and sent away for an x ray. She asked if i would like to see the x ray...i said i would so she took me in to her room, handed me the x ray and said 'shes in the waiting room, get her in when your ready.' I was extremly annoyed by this (gaz is still telling me off for not having told her to F off) but being the door matt that i am great at being i took the file down the corridor and saw the girl who the other dentist was meant to see. This is also the same dentist who has bought me a number of files and told me i am to see the patient because they are MY patients and she will not see any one elses patients. So i end up seeing all the patients booked in for me AND the patients booked in for her. She is renouned for being lazy but its time i stop letting her walk all over me! I was so angry, i really enjoyed the boxercise class in the evening!

two of the girls from work invited gaz and i to a boxercise class at one of the gyms down the road from us. Gaz watched as i participated, almost dying after the warm up! Gaz thought the session looked fun, but i would call it more painful on thursday we are both going to go again.

Today in work it went much more smoothly, i was refreshed after boxing the hell out of the bag last night! Destressed :D I have stuck to my healthy eating. Gaz didnt play the computer today as he is a little disheartened from how bad it went instead he went xmas shopping and bought all my presents...yay! IHe also came to join me at 4.30 sitting outside the common room in the sunshine as i am not allowd to leave until 5pm but had finished really early today. Was nice to have some company and he bought me an early xmas present (a water bottle).


  1. Boxercise sounds really useful to get rid of stress and beat up Gaz better! Seriously you need to say no to that dentist or she's just going to keep walking over you. Chris x

  2. A water bottle!, Just like his dad he really knows how to show a girl a good time. Ian x
