Tuesday 27 December 2011

Tuesday 27th December - Bodyrocker!

As promised, here are the pictures from christmas day...

Santas been! 

 Gaz hapy with his penguine poo!

Too much excitement for one day!

Our amazing home made yorkshire puds.  

Gaz working hard adding the water to the stuffing.

 Christmas dinner!

The Hervey Bay Botanical Gardens....

Gaz and I had a lie in this morning before getting up to take back the presents that didnt fit. We took a trip to the sports shop and bought proper boxing gloves...perfect for our boxercise class! I made a mini gym in our garage and did a 40 minute solid work out...i had sweat dripping off me, it felt great! Gaz had a good day on the computer, despite loosing his cool at one point and lobbing a pen through the wall. oops. 

I have found this AMAZING fitness website called bodyrocker.tv...it is going to be my new obsession as i am so determined to shed some weight. Ive even managed to convince Gaz to join me with it all! 

Its been hot and sunny today and reached just over 30degrees...we had a relaxing dip in the pool and have been to the RSL for some dinner. Weve got back just in time as a big thunderstorm has brewed up outside and its peeing it down! 


  1. Looks like a nice Xmas dinner. So glad you had a good time. Ian x

  2. Yes, nicely risen Yorkshires!
    & Gaz throwing a pen THROUGH the wall! Wow! Has he been eating his spinach?! Which wall was it it?

    Chris x

  3. be careful, theres some crazy workouts online that will burn fat but not the safest, there's one called the insanity workout, two of my friends broke bones in their feet doing it x
